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PowerBook 5300c / 5300cs Restoration (Lid Fix)


Well-known member
I am almost 100% certain that it can indeed spread. I stupidly left several displays very close together including a display with vinegar syndrome. All of the displays apart from the one started out perfect and no signs of vinegar syndrome. After maybe 4-5 months, every single one had vinegar syndrome with most being fairly far along in the deterioration.

Only my experience, but I doubt anyone really wants to test this...

I recently replaced a polarizer on a Duo 280c display, and it isn't too horrible. It requires a lot of patience, a couple of polarizers (in case you mess up) and some care when removing and replacing the polarizer. Also make sure to replace both polarizers if the display has 2 like the 280c.

Replacing the polarizer is cheaper than replacing the display, but you can also break the display in the process, so I would probably try on an old dead display that isnt worth anything first.


Well-known member
It's trivial in comparison to replace the film if it's a TFT display. Passive Matrix is more complicated. Only recently did someone locate the right film again (they need a different type) and while I think it works on color passive displays, I'm not positive. So far it's only been verified on non-color ones.


Well-known member
It's growing... 2.5 inches now (was previously 1 inch long).


What's interesting is the straight line in the middle of it. I remember this display being as pristine as possible without a scratch. But you can clearly see a near perfectly straight line in the middle. Curious if there was damage there that I didn't see, or some damage happened without me knowing it and kicked off this process?


Well-known member
I'm 95% sure that's just part of the degredation. I see that scratch mark on every laptop that has vinegar syndrome in that stage.