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    Coming soon to macdat.net - all the available Macintosh schematics in one place!
    (photo is WIP, I'm aware some blanks right now are available)
    1997 attempt to convert Mac users to the dark side
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    Although Windows leaves me in despair - it's worth noting that this WinBook already has USB support, a full year or more before the iMac (but I think USB was struggling before Apple basically forced developers to use it, wasn't it?).
    Apple didn’t get it in their laptops till 1999, they were late in that regard. Apple was never early to adopt USB, they were just early to remove legacy ports (iMac). Most PC laptops from late 1997 like this WinBook is from had USB. 2 ports was rather uncommon though.
    USB did exist pre-iMac but there weren't many peripherals and the support in Windows barely existed before Windows 98 (and it wasn't super stable until after that). I've heard from multiple people who were at Microsoft that it was (and still is) a struggle to get PC system and peripheral OEMs to make anything that isn't cheapest and lowest common denominator.
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    And all happy again. Now booting off an 8GB SD card!
    Just went to burn a CD meant to read in old disc drives and accidentally started at max burn speed...
    Look on the bright side, CD-Rs are now cheap. First 3-pack I bought in 1997 cost $18 ($34 today). I made a mix-CD for myself and my gf, luckily only got a bad burn first blank, second and third worked.
    I have a big stack of 100 of them (less now since I got them a while back) so it’s no big deal, just hate wasting discs.
    Think of it as a backup copy. Say you want to make another copy, and for reasons unknown, all your copies of the image file go missing and you can't redownload it anywhere. All you need to do is image the disk that was burned too fast and then burn that image to a new disk at the slow speed. Thus, the original disk is not wasted!
    My TiBook just managed last night to pull a 2 hour uptime out of it's previously near dead battery. Oh, and the BMS glitched and set the capacity to near the 16-bit integer limit...
    Last time I did a runtime test, it managed 15 minutes thereabouts. And only around 45 when I first got it. I haven’t got a clue why it suddenly had a change of heart!
    Does anyone know the model number of the Portable M5126 LCD? I swear someone posted it somewhere but I can't find it. Part of me thinks it remembers it being the same as the M5120, just with a backlight attached. Not sure though.
    I don’t know guys. I’ve been seeing this thing called “NuBus” but I’m pretty sure that it’s quite old…
    Speaking of your site, you should probably remove the se30forever link from your web ring, the domain lapsed and it redirects to some scam or virus link or something now.
    Scammers always look for lapsing domains. Either to claim ownership and "offer" it for sale to someone with a similar domain for an exorbitant price (they'll try and keep you on the leash 'til the domain lapses and they can snap it up cheap to flip), or indeed, for phishing, viruses or other nastiness.
    Which brings me to a fun story, techandmusic.com had this happen, it was about to lapse and I kept getting "offers" from scammers to buy it from them. I kept an eye out, and managed to snap it up myself. If it wasn't for the scammers, I wouldn't have known! :D
    Haha yeah, I read about that on your blog a while back. Great story!
    I accidentally ordered 100uf 25v caps instead of 35v ones for my PB 1400 project. :(
    The absolute worst bit was getting the center screen clutch cover off. Also how it’s near impossible to not break a display housing clip. Overall it’s just a lot of parts, a lot of screws, and it’s a lot more involved than other models. The benefit of that is that it feels much more solid than other models.
    I’d love to see a thread in this. If you need any tips, I’ve taken apart several at this point.
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