[A/UX] Drop-in clean A/UX install image for SCSI2SD


I have loaded the A/UX install CD from my SD card after dd'ing it the same way, although I used a floppy to boot it; the 3.0.1 ISO I have wasn't booting, although perhaps I didn't have the emulated CDROM device configured properly?

I have previously used this same device to boot regular system 7.5.3.


Sorry for the necro-post but I think this is the appropriate thread...I just purchased a v5.0 SCSI2SD and trying to use the image linked from the Github, along w/ the instructions. This is on a IIci, and I know the hardware works because I was able to successfully install from floppyemu+CD combination on the original 80G SCSI HD (which isn't big enough to do anything interesting, thus the SCSI2SD solution). I used the RAW dd (which took forever) and I got the 000021 sad mac. Then I tried to dd the lido.img on top of the existing SD card - is that the right way to do this? I wasn't sure because some examples show the dd to the image file, not to the device. I dd'd the lido.img directly on top of the device after doing the full 3.1.1 dd. I did this:

sudo dd if=aux-3.1.1-03a.img of=/dev/rdisk2

Attempting to boot from this SCSI2SD I get the 000021 so then did this:

sudo dd if=lido.img of=/dev/disk2 seek=64 bs=512

And then I get a ? mark floppy

When I boot into a working 7.5 install (from floppyemu) it doesn't show the SCSI2SD drive, but if I start up the A/UX HD tool from the install CDROM, it sees the drive at ID 0 and the partitions look correct:


I tried all the combinations of PRAM zapping and forcing to boot off a particular SCSI ID, but none of those work for me. Any tips or things I can try greatly appreciated! Although the hardware does seem to be seen by the OS, the drives are not directly visible/mountable/bootable...


Well-known member
Sorry for the necro-post but I think this is the appropriate thread...I just purchased a v5.0 SCSI2SD and trying to use the image linked from the Github, along w/ the instructions. This is on a IIci, and I know the hardware works because I was able to successfully install from floppyemu+CD combination on the original 80G SCSI HD (which isn't big enough to do anything interesting, thus the SCSI2SD solution). I used the RAW dd (which took forever) and I got the 000021 sad mac. Then I tried to dd the lido.img on top of the existing SD card - is that the right way to do this? I wasn't sure because some examples show the dd to the image file, not to the device. I dd'd the lido.img directly on top of the device after doing the full 3.1.1 dd. I did this:

sudo dd if=aux-3.1.1-03a.img of=/dev/rdisk2

Attempting to boot from this SCSI2SD I get the 000021 so then did this:

sudo dd if=lido.img of=/dev/disk2 seek=64 bs=512

And then I get a ? mark floppy

When I boot into a working 7.5 install (from floppyemu) it doesn't show the SCSI2SD drive, but if I start up the A/UX HD tool from the install CDROM, it sees the drive at ID 0 and the partitions look correct:

View attachment 39578

I tried all the combinations of PRAM zapping and forcing to boot off a particular SCSI ID, but none of those work for me. Any tips or things I can try greatly appreciated! Although the hardware does seem to be seen by the OS, the drives are not directly visible/mountable/bootable...
I know LaCie Silverlining works for me on an IIci.

First apply the original image and the scsi2sd xml configuration, then install LaCie Silverlining onto the boot disk. You should no longer get the sad mac and be able to boot correctly


Brilliant - thank you @uyjulian ! That worked! For future readers, I booted from a 7.5.5 install (floppyemu) that had silverlining 5.8.3 on it. I ran it and 'installed' the basic software onto SCSI ID0, taking the default loop options (Macintosh, not Silverlining) and that was pretty much it. I didn't change any mount options. I quit Silverlining, rebooted once with the floppyemu still as the boot device, could finally see the Mac Partition mounted, then rebooted w/out floppyemu and it worked just fine.


So, after the first boot I restart after the kernel rebuild completes, I get the login screen, log in w default l/pw, but then I get stuck here…the SCSI2SD blinks every so often but I can’t cancel or force quit. I shut down and restarted once and immediately landed in fsck hell…And ideas? I don’t yet have a NIC installed - could that be why this startup is hanging? I might give up on the prebuilt image and just install from CD now that I have a bigger disk…ECA3EBEA-B5B1-46C3-ACE3-5AEB489EF85F.jpeg


Well-known member
So, after the first boot I restart after the kernel rebuild completes, I get the login screen, log in w default l/pw, but then I get stuck here…the SCSI2SD blinks every so often but I can’t cancel or force quit. I shut down and restarted once and immediately landed in fsck hell…And ideas? I don’t yet have a NIC installed - could that be why this startup is hanging? I might give up on the prebuilt image and just install from CD now that I have a bigger disk…View attachment 39606
This is normal, it will take a while, especially if you don't have a cache card and/or graphics card installed. I did have a NIC installed.

If you want to disable it move it out of Startup Items (folder located in the System Folder). If you are impatient, you can do it from the text shell instead of the desktop environment.
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Well-known member
Thank you. I did #1 before. Two .hda files from #1 throws sad Mac with error 21. I also tried the “force scsi 0 then 1” solution but no luck. it always throws sad Mac with error 21.

As for #2. I am not sure how to do that. Did you mean like boot into regular MacOS to do some kind of disk fix on the 1st aux drive from #1?


Well-known member
Yes, boot into MacOS to run the LaCie Silverlining driver installer, and set the 1st drive as the target

The sad mac error is a result of a bad disk driver on the first drive


Well-known member
for whatever the reason, it just does not like that aux mac partition. Sad mac error 21 just by having that partition named with .hda file name. Funny thing is, LaCie Silverlining driver see the 5GB partition (Jagu partition?) just fine. I even tried to boot with a 7.1 floppy but then system crashes, complaining about Memory Manger exception. Floppy boots fine without that aux partition. The funny thing is, the premade aux hda file from bluescsi site works fine but it doesn't contain bash or gcc stuff. Maybe I can try to mount the 5GB jagu partition using the premade bluescsi aux hda file. Nontheless, I really appreciate your previous replies! I will try again but maybe splitting script itself has a problem. not sure.


Well-known member
Does anybody has /etc/fstab or mount command for that 5GB partition (not the 2GB a/ux partition)? Apparently, I don't know how to mount the drive. :unsure: I keep getting "cannot determine the file type" error when I try to mount it. It is also possible that the partition itself is not good, just like my 2GB A/UX partition from splitting the image was not good


Well-known member
mount /dev/dsk/cXd0sY /your/mountpoint

where X is the SCSI id, Y is the slice, and /your/mountpoint is the mountpoint

If you are not sure of the slice,
dp /dev/dsk/cXd0s31
(X is the SCSI id. slice=31 is the whole disk)
Type "P" as the command and this will print out the partition table. This will also tell you which slice is associated with which partition.

Another way of attempting installation:
You can also try setting up a brand new drive, then just copy the MacPartition and rootfs files over to their specific partitions.
To partition, open the A/UX specific version of Apple HD SC setup, then follow steps 5-8 here: https://www.aux-penelope.com/aux_3.0.htm
To copy files to MacPartition, hfsutils should be able to do the job fine.
To copy files to the unix rootfs, you can use pax to archive the original rootfs filesystem, then unpax it onto the new rootfs filesystem.
(Don't use tar or cpio. In A/UX, they both have file path limitations, and tar does not support keeping attributes)

The boot issue is only when starting the machine. If you attach the disk after boot then rescan for disks, you will no longer get a sad mac and can read files from the disk.


Well-known member
uyjulian, thank you! I was able to mount the 5GB partition. I'm learning a lot! I will try the "another way". I will have to find the way to attach the disk after the boot since my bluescsi v1.1 is internal. Thank you very much for great tips and insights!!! A/UX is just so fascinating!


Well-known member
Yes, boot into MacOS to run the LaCie Silverlining driver installer, and set the 1st drive as the target

The sad mac error is a result of a bad disk driver on the first drive
uyjulian, thank you again. I was able to run the LaCie Silverlining driver installer on the first drive (SCSI ID 0 - AUX drive) and boot A/UX. 5GB drive automatically got mounted on /opt as well. thank you. now, It time to use/play with AUX!


Well-known member
another newbie question.
running (as root) /usr/local/sbin/sshd gives me this error
"bad add or host: CHANGEME (no address associated with name)"

not sure where I can change "CHANGEME". I am bit confused since I don't see that in /etc/ssh_config file either.
Only place I saw "CHANGEME" was in /etc/rc file. but I think it was just a comment?


Well-known member
Figured it out. just had to point to the config file (duh!). the service is running now but I will need to tweak some config settings. connection keeps closing.


Well-known member
Wow, this is turning out to be one of the most time-consuming installs I've tried in a long time...

As I have a few SCSI2SD v5.1boards lying around I gave that a try. Even though these work fine in my other vintage relics it just plain refuses to work in my SE/30, SE or anything else. I verified the partitions on the SD card, tried multiple different SCSI2SD boards, added lido.img, none of them will show any working SCSI drive to the system. Just looks like the whole SCSI bus is empty / killed.

Swapping out for a BlueSCSI v2 2023.10a board with a 7.5.3 partition and it boots right away...

Thus I ventured on the path to use the known-to-be-working BlueSCSI instead. I extracted the two drive images from the SCSI2SD image using https://github.com/dburr/scsi2sd_to_hda/blob/main/scsi2sd_to_hda.sh

Now, I do have a little bit more progress as it tries to boot from the BlueSCSI. I can see a spot of activity (3-4 seconds) after which I get a sad Mac with #000021. Tried forcing boot of SCSI ID#0, booted off a 7.5.3 disk tools floppy (does not see any drives)... The log.txt on the BlueSCSI does not show anything weird. It sees the image at ID0 just fine.

Running out of ideas, anyone have any recommendations to try?


Well-known member
Wow, this is turning out to be one of the most time-consuming installs I've tried in a long time...

As I have a few SCSI2SD v5.1boards lying around I gave that a try. Even though these work fine in my other vintage relics it just plain refuses to work in my SE/30, SE or anything else. I verified the partitions on the SD card, tried multiple different SCSI2SD boards, added lido.img, none of them will show any working SCSI drive to the system. Just looks like the whole SCSI bus is empty / killed.

Swapping out for a BlueSCSI v2 2023.10a board with a 7.5.3 partition and it boots right away...

Thus I ventured on the path to use the known-to-be-working BlueSCSI instead. I extracted the two drive images from the SCSI2SD image using https://github.com/dburr/scsi2sd_to_hda/blob/main/scsi2sd_to_hda.sh

Now, I do have a little bit more progress as it tries to boot from the BlueSCSI. I can see a spot of activity (3-4 seconds) after which I get a sad Mac with #000021. Tried forcing boot of SCSI ID#0, booted off a 7.5.3 disk tools floppy (does not see any drives)... The log.txt on the BlueSCSI does not show anything weird. It sees the image at ID0 just fine.

Running out of ideas, anyone have any recommendations to try?
Install the LaCie Silverlining driver