• Updated 2023-07-12: Hello, Guest! Welcome back, and be sure to check out this follow-up post about our outage a week or so ago.

What I've received as of late...


Well-known member
Yeah, it seemed appropriate, as that's what the machine sounded like one afternoon when I came upstairs from doing a few things in the kitchen.

Anyway, thanks to @AppaloosaMac, I now have:

A M1298 16" Macintosh Color Display
A working Quadra 650, a parts Centris 650, and a working Centris 650 that needs a hard drive
A Quadra 950 with 72MB of RAM
three keyboards and a mouse.


Well-known member
Passed the two Centrii, the two ADK keyboards, and the Logitech-built G5431 mouse to someone on the TD discord. That happened on the 10th.

Arriving in the mail is another A9M0331 to replace the one that was added to the IIgs I'm rehoming.

Soon, @Mk.558 and I will be meeting up, and I'll be taking possession of a couple machines from mcdermd. His dual FDHD SE and his IIfx are coming to live here. The SE needs some help. Seems to be suffering from the same random booting issues that the SE I got at the beginning of last year had. Will also need to be bumped up to 4MB from the 1MB currently installed. May demote the IIci to 64MB for now and use the 1MB SIMMs installed in Bank A for the SE. Also am receiving another M0116 keyboard and a 2.1GB hard drive to pop into the 950, as per my .sig.


Well-known member
SE and IIfx have landed. Also received a IIsi. On the way back, dropped by RE-PC, grabbed a USB hub for the MacBook Pro, and a M2706 mouse. Probably going to pair the aforementioned mouse with my other M0116 keyboard and use them with whichever machine gets set up in addition to the machines normally on display.


Well-known member
What machines do you usually have on display?
IIgs, IIci, and the PowerMac G4, in addition to the MacBook Pro, which is my daily driver.

Anyway, today, received an iPhone 12 Pro Max from my sister who'd upgraded to the 14 Pro Max last year. Was going to send it in to Verizon, but it made more sense for me to take it over and use it, since my 8 was going to be receiving any more updates to the OS, except for any security patches that Apple needed to do.


Well-known member
"since my 8 wasn't going to be receiving any more updates to the OS, except for any security patches that Apple needed to do."
Corrected last sentence in previous post.

Anyway, have a programmer's switch assembly coming for the IIfx. Got it for $19.59 shipped and taxed.


Well-known member
Where did you get the programmer's switch? I need reset/interrupt swtiches for a IIcx/IIci case.
Got the II, IIx, and IIfx switch off the 'bay. For the IIcx/ci switch assembly, I'd get in touch with Herb Johnson (runs the retrotechnology.com site). He usually has them available. In fact, he's who I contacted last year about getting an assembly for my IIci.


Well-known member
Conquested another Woz IIgs last month. Has board problems, but came with nice plastics, so swapped the better pieces to my main IIgs. If the latest IIgs doesn't sell, I might chuck a ROM 3 board into it.

Am about to conquest a 2.4GHz C2D Mac Mini from @JC8080 this weekend. 4GB RAM, 500GB hard drive.



Well-known member
Nice! Always had a fondness for the IIgs.
They're nice machines. Even though they were a departure from the previous fully-expandable II series machines, with a separate keyboard, etc, they were also the most powerful of the series. Back in the '90s, I did have that A2S6001 IIgs upgrade kit machine, which did have the old school //e case. But, I do think I would've been better off to have just purchased a regular IIgs system, instead of having my old //e upgraded.


Well-known member
IIgs was also the only Apple computer that actually had a demo scene.

I always wondered how the IIgs would have evolved had the Macintosh never hit the market. It was really impressive for its time, but not as impressive as the Amiga. A IIgs with a bitmap GUI would be interesting.


Well-known member
The ROM 4 version would've come out with the internal Sony MP-F75W floppy drive, probably a hard drive, etc... It would've been lacking in power, compared to the Mac, Amiga, Atari ST, etc, but would've been better than it was.

Anyway, conquested three floppies and four Apple Microphones from the commanderscott eBay seller, and conquested a mid-2010 Mac Mini from @JC8080 today.


Well-known member
Conquesting a Radius PrecisionColor Pro 24xk for the IIfx either tomorrow or Thursday. May also be grabbing another M0116 keyboard. Same seller who I dealt with last month


Well-known member
From, again, the same seller: picking up a G4 DA 667MHz machine with a rather rare item installed. A Griffin gPort. Plan to combine said G4 with my current G4, to make one real nice machine, and a somewhat slower machine to offer up to whoever wants one and who lives within a day's drive of Seattle.


Well-known member
Looks like it's actually a home-built version of a gPort. Has a mini-8 plug wired into the modem card, with the guts of the modem jack inside the computer. In any case, decided to consign the 466MHz machine with the video card, SCSI card, and hard drives from the 667MHz machine.