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  • Got this a few weeks ago but just got around to building it! After trying the PowerBook version out I was officially hooked, and this external version does not disappoint either! What an amazing product, affordable and easy to use. Even has WiFi! And the SD transfer utility has FINALLY given me a very convenient way to transfer files to my vintage Macs!
    The first gen and last gen PowerBooks!IMG_0495.jpeg
    The 140/170 are, not surprisingly given what they share a ROM with, architecturally like a Quadra 700 with an '030 (and thus no need for the JDB/Relayer pair of chips). So they're definitely more of a 1991 Mac than the PB100. I think the usual story around these machines is suspect. If Apple had the 140/170 already designed in-house they wouldn't have needed Sony.
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    There were two separate development teams that I think were just in a competition of sorts and in the end both produced viable products that filled different market segments. The Sony people working on the 100 and the Apple team working on the 140/170. Which one started development first doesn't really matter to me when all three were introduced on the same day.
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    Good points! We may never know the full story, but since the 140/170 were the first fully Apple-designed true laptops, I just tend to think of those as the “originals.” And since the 170 has almost the same screen as the backlit Portable, it really makes it seem like it’s the direct successor to it.
    I don’t know if I’ve ever actually shown this one here, but I’ve had it for many years. Just pulled it back out and am happy to say it still works great! And yes this is the 466MHz SE model with DVD drive. What a beauty!
    And all this time I’ve been told the Mac 512 can’t run System 7… 😂🤣IMG_0405.jpeg
    Decided it was time to set my Macintosh 512k (non enhanced) back up! This machine is such a joy to use. The sound of the 400k drives is just amazing. This Mac started life out as a 128k and was dealer upgraded at some point (rear sticker and badge were also replaced). Definitely one of my favorites!

    My gosh...I sure did! I am glad to see them being put to good use! I assume you didnt have space for the keypad.
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    Yep, I’m still very grateful you sold them to me for such a good price! Yeah, I have pretty limited room on this table and just couldn’t fit the keypad in.
    Fat Mac! They were the first Macs we used at UEA in autumn 1986. Apps: MacPaint, MacWrite, MacTerminal (to log into the MicroVax) and of course, MacPascal! There were also some V new 1MB Mac Plusses in the digi-Lab (Cross compiling Lattice-C to 68K-based dev boards).
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    Found my stash of terminators!
    That’s a big relief, because there’s nothing worse than not being able to find one when you need it! I haven’t touched these since like 2021 so I’m kind of shocked they turned up so easily. Trying to get all of my old Mac accessories at least somewhat organized!
    Fired up the old Bondi Blue G3 and it’s still running great! First time since like 2018! Completely forgot about that awesome wallpaper that I put on it.
    Sorry, it's one of those prickly things from the old days. Desktop Pictures were there first, then Microsoft started calling their version on Windows "Wallpaper." So it has bothered me ever since!
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    Yeah, I do like try and keep my terminology correct based on what platform I’m talking about, but as both a Mac and PC user I get it mixed up at times!
    If you think about it, Microsoft muddied their analogies. It’s a desktop, not a wall.
    Haven't been active here in a while! I have not gone anywhere though, and I'm still in the hobby! I haven't done too much with vintage Macs in quite a while actually. I just pulled my PowerBook 145B and 170 back out yesterday and I'm going to be getting them back in top shape soon hopefully.
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