The SE/30 as a complete VIA2, so in theory you could break out the IRQ signals from $C and $D (assuming internal video uses $E) that aren't on the PDS slot and gain an extra two potential slots, but that would require some modifications on the motherboard. Or revisiting a 'reloaded' SE/30 motherboard to expose the signals 'properly'.
Looking at my new reloaded board would be what got me back into this craziness. Cut-n-patch on the exposed traces lends itself to such modification of the motherboard.
As for Interrupt/Slot ID pipe dreams:
Three is not really enough on the PDS as far as I'm concerned. A blank CRT doesn't bother me a all. I hated doing production work on the Compact Periscope of my SE since day one. VidCards of the day sometimes blanked the Compact CRT to achieve the FPD/TPD football field of dreams.
Major inspiration for the hijacking of $E would be the near universal Internal Grayscale obsession. That card does an end run around onboard video, freeing up $E for a second NuBus slot. One interrupt on PDS is traditionally occupied by NIC.
I'm lucky enough to have VidCard/Daughtercard NIC combos on hand for the single NuBus Slot scenario most folks aren't so blessed.
Three PDS interrupts:
#1 - NIC
#2 - GrayScale
#3 - NuBus
$E - Pulling Video ROM from MoBo, patching interrupt and second /NuBus control lines via hijacked PDS ground pins to jumpered connections on the NuBus adapter yields forth Slot on PDS? Hack would be easily reversible by removing jumpers and reinstalling the Video ROM, disengaging the second NuBus Slot.
Hijacked ground lines on PDS are connected back to ground upstream of adaptation on its passthru.
Dunno, that's how it looks to me in muddled state as I start on my second cup of coffee.