History of ROM programmers and release of new ROM programmer


Well-known member
JDW has released a new video about ROM programmers and ROM programming in general, well worth watching, that includes a brief history as well:

JDW’s video is also includes a few seconds on the latest CayMac vintage programmer that has been codeveloped by myself, @dougg3, @WillJac and @jajan547

@dougg3 has also written about our efforts on his blog:

The new programmer is more than twice as fast as the older generations, and includes some new functions as well. They are available for purchase here:

I also have a couple here in Sweden if anyone is interested in the area.


Well-known member
Has anyone done a color Happy Mac yet? I know it's possible, but I haven't seen it yet. A color Picasso Mac icon would be neat.


Well-known member
Has anyone done a color Happy Mac yet? I know it's possible, but I haven't seen it yet. A color Picasso Mac icon would be neat.

Believe it or not, bbraun actually added a color Happy Mac to his IIsi base ROM with the 0.9.6 ROM disk driver. See his "Related Developments" section on his 68k Mac ROM Boot Disk page. He linked to a forum that seems to no longer exist, but I think archive.org has the detail.

P.S. you were mentioned a couple of times in JDW's video!


Well-known member
Believe it or not, bbraun actually added a color Happy Mac to his IIsi base ROM with the 0.9.6 ROM disk driver. See his "Related Developments" section on his 68k Mac ROM Boot Disk page. He linked to a forum that seems to no longer exist, but I think archive.org has the detail.

Oooo, neat. I'm glad someone did it. Sorely underutilized ROM feature. :D

P.S. you were mentioned a couple of times in JDW's video!

I guess my icons were popular enough for people to continue to use them. I'm happy about that. :)