Angry Robots! - new game for 68k Macs


Well-known member
Thanks to everyone who has tested and provided feedback!

Since I had several requests to make this easier to access on real vintage Macs, check out the new old-browser friendly website:

The website includes a download of a .sit file with the demo.

I had forgotten how frustrating it is getting css to work consistently on old browsers... I am using iCab 2.99 on my Mac, and the site looks pretty good! I haven't tried Netscape or IE yet. Much to my surprise, animated gifs actually work.

The website looks pretty silly on modern computers but looks good on lower resolutions. May still tweak a bit.


Well-known member
Happy to announce that the game is finished, and you can download the shareware version of the game for free today!!

Visit to download the game from your 68K or PPC Mac. If you're using a modern computer, head over to

If you like the game, and you want to purchase the full version, you can unlock the game by purchasing a serial number or you can buy a full boxed copy of the game, complete with floppy disk and colour manual! You will need to use a modern computer to do that, however!

If you like the game, but can't pay for the full version, send me a DM and I'll send you a code.

Excited for people to try out the game and send me your feedback!

Huge thanks to @Crutch and @cheesestraws for helping me out so much when I was just getting started learning the intricacies of programming for 68K macs.

Byte Knight

Well-known member
Got through the first 12 levels, but I'm stuck on 13. I can get through all the conveyor belts but bo matter which teleporter I select I end up get killed by a vacuum cleaner. Any suggestions?


Well-known member
Got through the first 12 levels, but I'm stuck on 13. I can get through all the conveyor belts but bo matter which teleporter I select I end up get killed by a vacuum cleaner. Any suggestions?
Remember that the direction you pass through a teleporter matters -- you will come out the opposite side you go in.

Level 13 is frustrating, I promise there aren't may levels like that!


Well-known member

I have been on a little bit of a hiatus, too many hobbies, not enough time in an day but this will get my Mac's a bit of use.

Cant wait to get my boxed copy!

I loved the DEMO and the kids enjoyed it as well.

Can't wait to see what yo have in store next :)