Yeah, there's a solderjumper for that. Cable routing would become a little less pleasant when flipped due to the FPC cable coming from the top, but it would reach.@zigzagjoe Would it be possible to add a jumper for flipping the vertical? There could be similarly specced LCDs with different viewing angles that might work better for some people, but not others. For example: what if you have two ZFP drives that keep your Mac at a higher angle?
I wouldn't count on it.My wife doesn't like you but maybe this kit will finally convince her that these upgrades are a necessity.
SE/30 upgrades are a necessity! you heard it here first!That looks incredible! Another kit to add to my ZZJ collection. My wife doesn't like you but maybe this kit will finally convince her that these upgrades are a necessity.
Thanks! I like to hear "elegantly" as that's a big part of my design philosophy with my upgrades. Simple (as practical), clean, and well executed. If asked, I'd have said a LCD retrofit wasn't really my cup of tea, but I'm finding myself reconsidering that now as it does look really nice. Bright, sharp, and colorful - having a fully digital signal path probably helps.I wouldn't count on it.
Nice work as usual @zigzagjoe , really elegantly done and the finished thing looks great! System 7 in colour on a sharp screen is a wonderful thing.
This is something I was also playing around with for my stalled Analogous Board project (that I hope to get back to working on at some point). My idea is to use a top-adjust pot like this or this and mount it on a small custom PCB that could be installed perpendicular to the analog board with right-angle pins. I think it's possible that this could end up being a little bit cleaner solution, but I never got past buying the pots and verifying that the knobs fit.The one part I wasn't able to get sorted was a drop-in potentiometer for the external brightness knob. The original one is an odd combination of parameters and to get one that might work would require buying 500 of them in a go. Eugh. It's possible to DIY something that will work though.
I second that! ZZJoe's upgrades are an awesome compliment to an already amazing machine. ZZJoe's (and Bolle's) upgrades make the SE/30 the 21'st century's must have Mac (personal opinion, but i believe many have the same opinion).SE/30 upgrades are a necessity! you heard it here first!![]()
Beautiful! What’s your thoughts on an acrylic piece in front, like the kit on Etsy (also in some thread here)?
This is something I was also playing around with for my stalled Analogous Board project (that I hope to get back to working on at some point). My idea is to use a top-adjust pot like this or this and mount it on a small custom PCB that could be installed perpendicular to the analog board with right-angle pins. I think it's possible that this could end up being a little bit cleaner solution, but I never got past buying the pots and verifying that the knobs fit.
Is it the same panel has their mod? I’m asking because I’m wondering if the same acrylic piece would also fit your bracket.@retro apple mods is the fellow that makes those. I think it'd look fantastic, I just don't have the tooling/ability to make them. However, I don't see any reason one couldn't made to fit my LCD either.
No, it's a different panel - I believe they're using an old ipad panel. That panel is smaller at ~8" so I think some changes would be needed.Is it the same panel has their mod? I’m asking because I’m wondering if the same acrylic piece would also fit your bracket.![]()
Thanks! I think it will serve as a rather interesting alternative to my grayscale kits. It's less "correct", which normally I'd not be a fan of with, but that LCD looks really nice, and the resolution + size combo works well.nice. I really like that u can go 'classic b&w mode' then switch to color when u want. My tube has menu-bar burn-in (not a total show stopper) and brightness is getting a bit faint (or more likely my eyes are getting older), which makes this a very interesting replacement. Going to work back thru this thread and see if u have already answered the, "Is a kit available?" question.
great work!