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Wombat (650, 800) board overclocking limitations


Well-known member
Oh using the jumper that way is very cute. I'll probably give that a go next time my board is out to add some flexibility and easily swap between stock and whatever customized configs I have in the other configuration.

For now I've been hacking the LC 475 ROM directly to futz with even more customizing timings. A few discoveries:

1) Booting the machine with (non-bump) 40MHz timings seems to pull RAM performance down by 11-13%, per Norton SysInfo. Overall system performance is about the same otherwise. Not the worst impact, and really isn't bad for a 21% clock increase.
2) The LC 475 ROM doesn't seem to have the bump config tables at all, only the regular configs, or at least not in the same places. Which might explain why it applies non-bump (faster) timings than a stock ROM would on 80ns machines (C650/Q650). So simply swapping in the LC 475 ROM serves as a minor overclock for memory.
2) The custom ROM I'm using has 55ns chips, which means you can push the ROM Speed a little, even at faster clocks. Lower is better. Stock Q800 runs at a speed of 3, stock Q650 at 4, and the respective 40MHz configs at 4 and 5. Even running at 44MHz I can push that down to 2 and, presumably, get faster ROM reads, so toolbox calls should run faster. At 1 the machine gets very unstable, and I'm guessing at 50MHz you're gonna need 3+, even with fast ROM chips. But that adds another dimension to overclocking. Not sure there's any ROM read test out there, might be worth creating to benchmark/verify checksums to ensure it's running stable.


Well-known member
Oh and something very low level in 8.1 haaaaaaaates clocks over 42Mhz or so, even with the updated memory timings. I need to dig through in MacsBug but it seems like it's waiting on hardware that never answers back (no longer ignores non-functional serial?)


Well-known member
I've been messing with a Q800 board at 50MHz using the 40MHz timings in the ROM.

I'm having the same issues where about half the time it just stops booting, but the mouse still moves.

It is extremely sensitive to RAM selection. It isn't entirely down to outright speed as a 50ns 8MB SIMM won't work, but some 60ns SIMMs do.

It doesn't like if I add multiple SIMMs, even if it is happy with both individually. I might remove the remaining onboard RAM.

Regarding RAM timings, it does feel like the 40MHz ones are either a bit beta, or they hit the limits of the hardware somewhere. Has anyone compare the timings to those in the 840av ROM (same ROM used in the 660av)?

This machine has a ROM slot fitted, so is more open to experimentstion.



Active member
Hello guys
Awesome thread
I have some 650/800 boards spare, at 33Mhz stock
I would like to mod these to 40Mhz
Unfortunaly i am a bit confused, can I please ask for a little help?:)

Is all i need to do for 40Mhz:

- replace oscillator with 20Mhz one
- add 300R resistor to R151 if not there
- add 300R resistor to R152
- change existing 1.2K resistor to 1.5K at R152
- add jumper or 0 ohm resistor to the spot between R148 and R233


Well-known member
2. My Daystar 128K Quad Cache (aka FastCache Quadra) does not work in the overclocked configuration. The Daystar QuadControl v2.3 init hangs at startup. Unlike the IIci cache card, the Quad Cache card is not enabled until the software kicks in.

I seem to be hitting the jack pot on 68k L2 cache in that I think I picked up one of these Daystar "FastCache Quadra" L2 modules for cheap on eBay (after also finding one for the IIsi).

Image.jpgImage 1.jpg

Any pointers to the QuadControl v2.3 extension download? I don't see it on Macintosh Garden.

It's labelled 33Mhz but I'm hoping that is just an upper limit as I'd like to use it in my 25 MhzQuadra 700.


Well-known member
I seem to be hitting the jack pot on 68k L2 cache in that I think I picked up one of these Daystar "FastCache Quadra" L2 modules for cheap on eBay (after also finding one for the IIsi).

View attachment 74289View attachment 74290

Any pointers to the QuadControl v2.3 extension download? I don't see it on Macintosh Garden.

It's labelled 33Mhz but I'm hoping that is just an upper limit as I'd like to use it in my 25 MhzQuadra 700.
‼️ How did you find that, I've had a bunch of alerts and never saw it, so I'm envious.

Yes it should be fine to run it at 25MHz.

The software should be optional (it should Just Work™) but offers some other nice (somewhat unrelated) features. You can still download it from DayStar, or at least whoever maintains their archive: https://daystartechnology.com/files/d_software_download1_xeemdfzgntze6rvusnn52z.html

It's mislabeled as "Quad040" but it applies to many 040 products, the Cache included.

You'll probably have to Save As that file, as it incorrectly downloads as plain text in the browser, otherwise.


Well-known member
‼️ How did you find that, I've had a bunch of alerts and never saw it, so I'm envious.

Yes it should be fine to run it at 25MHz.

The software should be optional (it should Just Work™) but offers some other nice (somewhat unrelated) features. You can still download it from DayStar, or at least whoever maintains their archive: https://daystartechnology.com/files/d_software_download1_xeemdfzgntze6rvusnn52z.html

It's mislabeled as "Quad040" but it applies to many 040 products, the Cache included.

You'll probably have to Save As that file, as it incorrectly downloads as plain text in the browser, otherwise.

It just came up when I manually checked an eBay saved search for "Daystar Digital", listed as "daystar digital 105013-109 33 Mhz Card 01-FC040-001". Super lucky timing I suppose as I'm sure lots of people have saved searches/alerts set up.

Thanks for the tips/pointers!


Active member
Does anybody know if the mod at page 10 with the r151 installed is for 33/40 or 20/25mhz rom timing? I’m confused because all my boards have r151 already installed (q650-800) and they run at 33 not 25mhz:)


Well-known member
There are so many great information in this threat!
But one thing I was not able to understand:
What are the flags


in djMEMC Configuration Register exactly doing?

I already found;

ROMspeed n add n waitstaits to ROM access
mhz33 add one waitstait to RAM access

@Bolle mentioned here: https://68kmla.org/bb/index.php?threads/lc-475-project-upgrades-mods.47687/page-2
.... the values that we know from the memory controller datasheet ....
Anyone know where to find this information?
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Well-known member
Don't ask, because I'm not telling :cool:


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