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Screen Craps Out But Only After I've Loaded Combined Update 10.2.8; Before That Everything Was Terrific.


Active member
Hi Folks!

I've got a new one here. My Late 1998 PDQ (233 MHz) G3 PowerBook (with a 60 GB IDE/ATA66 hard drive and 256 MB of PC 66 RAM) works magnificently on System 9.2.2 and 10.2. Everything works! The memory is correctly read, the system boots up nice and fast, the hard drive is humming, no problems whatsoever.
Even the initial installation of 10.2 worked flawlessly; I was able to customize the install to leave out printer drivers and the extra support for foreign languages and it booted right up to the desktop and recognized everything, including the disk for Combined Update 10.2.8 when I inserted it in the CD ROM drive. And, don't worry, System 10.2 is installed on the first 7 GB of the hard drive (the hard drive is partitioned into three volumes, with some extra space provided to System 10 in a separate partition and the balance of the drive dedicated to System 9.2.2. All told, System 10 has about half the disk dedicated to it (in two partitions, one of which is 7GB and is the one on which macOS 10 is installed, the other the balance to make up for what the total is on the partition dedicated to System 9.2.2.

One additional item. I did not try to reformat the 7GB partition before installing System 10.2, but I assume that the installation software did that for me, and in any event that partition was previously installed as "extended" (but not necessarily "journaled").

In any event, attached is a picture of what the boot up looked like immediately after Combined Update 10.2.8 finished installing and was rebooted for the first time. Since then I've tried booting numerous times, trying both the shift + function + shift boot and the PRAM boot. And, nothing has worked or helped, in the slightest, resolve the problem. I keep on getting the same exact screen on boot.

Can anyone shed some light on what I'm doing wrong. I have a customer waiting for this machine, but if I can't get it to smoothly boot both System 9.2.2 and System 10.2.8, there won't be any sale.

Thanks again.


  • G3 PowerBook 233 MHz (Wallstreet - PDQ Late 1998) 256 MB RAM, 60 GB Hard Drive.png
    G3 PowerBook 233 MHz (Wallstreet - PDQ Late 1998) 256 MB RAM, 60 GB Hard Drive.png
    19.1 MB · Views: 24


Well-known member
about formating, AFAIK HFS+ (or extended) is a hard drive format. Journaling is not, journaling is a feature available with HFS+ and selecting to have journaling enabled with HFS+ formatting is an option but not required.


Active member
about formating, AFAIK HFS+ (or extended) is a hard drive format. Journaling is not, journaling is a feature available with HFS+ and selecting to have journaling enabled with HFS+ formatting is an option but not required.
Thanks! Any idea about what may be causing the screen problem after the installation of the Combined Update for 10.2.8?


Well-known member
Early OS X versions were pickier with RAM than OS 9. Not sure if that level of pickiness changed across the early versions. Assuming you have two 128mb sticks of RAM installed, I’d try with one, then the other to see if any change.