Powerbook 150 Boot Disk and General Questions


Well-known member
Is this the same as virtual memory, I have a 1GB hard drive, does system 7.5 support virtual memory?
No, virtual memory (that is, "virtual RAM") uses the hard disk. It is supported by System 7.5.3. However, virtual memory will be slow. It may be faster if the "hard disk" were a CompactFlash card.

A RAM disk makes use of real RAM. Therefore, you would need a sufficient amount of real RAM for this. The RAM disk can be used as a normal hard disk or floppy, but much faster. In some cases, a RAM disk stays after a restart. There is the built-in Memory control panel RAM disk, and also third-party RAM disk utilities.
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Well-known member
Additional information about virtual memory and RAM disk can be found via the System 7.5.3 help system (the question mark in the menu bar). You could enable balloon help (for example, when in the Memory control panel), or use the Macintosh Guide.