He also claims that it was the primary reason for their push to abandon all optical and physical media... again, youtubistism, so IDK.
To get totally abstract, esoteric, tedious and pedantic here, the computer itself can be considered a form of physical media, as can the wires and cables (fiber optics would be a hybrid physical/optical medium) that connect computers together to form the networks that constitute the Internet, not to mention the displays, which are an optical media that transduces the information contained in the physical media (an attached computing device) to a visual form that can be understood by humans or other creatures. So if one abandons
ALL optical and physical media, they're basically abandoning anything that conveys information from one place to another and displays it via mechanical, electronic or optical means. Therefore, with that train of thought, all information not obtainable via the five normal senses alone (with no electrical or mechanical tools) must only be accessed person-to-person through either speech, sign language, telepathy, or some combination thereof. Even writing instruments such as pen and paper would violate the "mo physical or optical media" edict.
Tongue in cheek statements aside, the point I'm making here is that this constant striving for interface minimalism, particularly on Apple's part, is becoming ridiculous. There are signs that they are perhaps beginning to moderate this a bit, but I'm not convinced yet. At least they've given up on making things infinitely thin for now (recent MacBook models seem to have actually gotten a bit thicker, with those molded, protruding feet of theirs contributing the bulk of the extra thickness, versus the minimal, almost flat plastic or rubber bumpers of previous models).