Edit for the above post: (unable to edit original one? )
I have tried running this on Win10, and Win7. My scsi card is only working on Win7, so that is why I am using older python in the above example (3.8).
On a Win10, with Python 3.11, I run into the same issue...
C:\Python\Python311>python.exe SCSIDEHacker.py
File "C:\Python\Python311\SCSIDEHacker.py", line 25
print 'SCSIDE was started'
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(...)?
And need to modify the code with the parentheses... After doing that I run into the same error as in above post #60.
I have tried running this on Win10, and Win7. My scsi card is only working on Win7, so that is why I am using older python in the above example (3.8).
On a Win10, with Python 3.11, I run into the same issue...
C:\Python\Python311>python.exe SCSIDEHacker.py
File "C:\Python\Python311\SCSIDEHacker.py", line 25
print 'SCSIDE was started'
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(...)?
And need to modify the code with the parentheses... After doing that I run into the same error as in above post #60.