Wanted: ROM dump of early production (especially 800MHz 2003) ATI graphics eMac


Well-known member
Hello. I am looking for someone willing to dump the ROM of their OS 9 compatible 2003 model eMac. Yes, I know you can use the unsupported G4s image, but startup disk won't pick up the OS 9 system folder on OS X if you have one of these eMacs with the newer firmware. And there are ways to go about fixing that... but I'm no stranger to trying ridiculous things.

So if anyone by any chance has knowledge of how to dump the ROM from a new world PPC mac, and also has the 800MHz eMac from 2003 (or any other model that supports booting from OS 9 natively, so the OF ROM date shouldn't be 10/22/2003), I would really appreciate your help. I think there is a flashrom port for OS X tiger/leopard but I don't remember.


Well-known member
Hello. I am looking for someone willing to dump the ROM of their OS 9 compatible 2003 model eMac. Yes, I know you can use the unsupported G4s image, but startup disk won't pick up the OS 9 system folder on OS X if you have one of these eMacs with the newer firmware. And there are ways to go about fixing that... but I'm no stranger to trying ridiculous things.

So if anyone by any chance has knowledge of how to dump the ROM from a new world PPC mac, and also has the 800MHz eMac from 2003 (or any other model that supports booting from OS 9 natively, so the OF ROM date shouldn't be 10/22/2003), I would really appreciate your help. I think there is a flashrom port for OS X tiger/leopard but I don't remember.

if you want to enable startup disk in MacOS X to show the OS 9 folder, just do an NVRAMRC script to append the MacRISC2 property onto the model identifier, this is what startup disk looks for when determining if to show OS 9 volumes, also on something like a PowerMac4,4 eMac it should enable you to use unmodified standard OS 9 install media etc if you so wish :)

dev /
" PowerMac4,4" encode-string " model" property
" PowerMac4,4" encode-string " MacRISC" encode-string encode+ " MacRISC2" encode-string encode+ " Power Macintosh" encode-string encode+ " compatible" property


Well-known member
I see... I was thinking of a more permanent solution for the sake of convenience though. How would I be able to apply this script?