Hi everyone! I'm sorry for posting a software-request here as a newbie, but I really ran out of ideas where else to search.
I already spent several WEEKS (of course with breaks) in searching for it on google, ftp, hotline... No success. Softwindows 2 seems to be the last version of Softwindows for 68k-Macs, and it would really be helpful to me (featuring faster emulation and higher compatibility than Softwindows 1 (at least that's what I heard about it)). I don't know if there is a standalone 68k-version or if there is only one FAT version, but I know from several sources on the net, that it basically does run on 68k (one way or the other). This one really seems to be a rare gem, as Softwindows 1 (68k) and Softwindows 3/Softwindows 95 (PPC only) and several other later versions are available on so many places in the net (not even famous HL-server retromac68k had it, when it was still online). Softwindows 2 seems to be impossible to find...
Thankful for any clues on this topic, and if someone has an original copy I would also consider buying it for a reasonable price,
I already spent several WEEKS (of course with breaks) in searching for it on google, ftp, hotline... No success. Softwindows 2 seems to be the last version of Softwindows for 68k-Macs, and it would really be helpful to me (featuring faster emulation and higher compatibility than Softwindows 1 (at least that's what I heard about it)). I don't know if there is a standalone 68k-version or if there is only one FAT version, but I know from several sources on the net, that it basically does run on 68k (one way or the other). This one really seems to be a rare gem, as Softwindows 1 (68k) and Softwindows 3/Softwindows 95 (PPC only) and several other later versions are available on so many places in the net (not even famous HL-server retromac68k had it, when it was still online). Softwindows 2 seems to be impossible to find...
Thankful for any clues on this topic, and if someone has an original copy I would also consider buying it for a reasonable price,