Servicing Classic / Classic II Power Switch


Well-known member
Hello! I'm in the process of restoring a Classic and discovered that the main, chunky, AC power switch is bad. I borrowed one from my Classic II to confirm that the switch is the source of the problem. So, this leads me to several questions for you folks :)

Can the plastic switch case be opened? I looked fairly closely at it, and couldn't see an obvious way to access the internals...

Any advice for recesutating a dead switch?

Failing any hope of repairing the switch I already have... does anyone have a switch to sell me?



Well-known member
Honestly, I would be taking measurements and looking for a new switch on a component supplier's website. I don't know about the Classic II, but I've certainly had a lot of luck replacing power switches on many other computers with brand new ones.


Well-known member
Thanks! Do you have any recommendations for component suppliers (USA / Canada)? I've ordered caps & ports from Mouser before.. curious of any other names for electrical parts