I am using a Powerbook Duo 230 for MIDI sequencing. This has worked for quite a while but suddenly no MIDI is coming in or going out, not matter what I try. Appletalk is turned off. I tried resetting PRAM. I've tested the MIDI hardware on my SE/30 and all works fine so it's definitely related to the Powerbook. I've booted from a new disk image, and installed system 7.5.3 and updated to 7.5.5, after which I installed my MIDI sequencer application (M), to no avail. Everything points to a hardware issue, but I've had it working again in some moment during the process on a new install of the OS, after which it stopped again. Since then it has not worked anymore. When running Snooper and testing the modem port, the connected keyboard (Yamaha CBX-K1 XG, with built-in serial MIDI interface for macs) does respond when I run the test. The keyboard shows signals coming in, and it even switches to another program for some reason. This makes me think it's not a hardware issue but I'm pretty lost with this. I've tried different versions of the apple MIDI manager, different MIDI programs, but nothing seems to work. Could it be stuck on some kind of setting configuring the serial port? Is there a clever way I can diagnose these MIDI communication processes to see where it goes wrong? Thanks a lot!
I am using a Powerbook Duo 230 for MIDI sequencing. This has worked for quite a while but suddenly no MIDI is coming in or going out, not matter what I try. Appletalk is turned off. I tried resetting PRAM. I've tested the MIDI hardware on my SE/30 and all works fine so it's definitely related to the Powerbook. I've booted from a new disk image, and installed system 7.5.3 and updated to 7.5.5, after which I installed my MIDI sequencer application (M), to no avail. Everything points to a hardware issue, but I've had it working again in some moment during the process on a new install of the OS, after which it stopped again. Since then it has not worked anymore. When running Snooper and testing the modem port, the connected keyboard (Yamaha CBX-K1 XG, with built-in serial MIDI interface for macs) does respond when I run the test. The keyboard shows signals coming in, and it even switches to another program for some reason. This makes me think it's not a hardware issue but I'm pretty lost with this. I've tried different versions of the apple MIDI manager, different MIDI programs, but nothing seems to work. Could it be stuck on some kind of setting configuring the serial port? Is there a clever way I can diagnose these MIDI communication processes to see where it goes wrong? Thanks a lot!