Yes, thanks, a bent pin was a problem on the original daugher card. I‘d straightened it. However, to try the new screen, I‘ve changed it for another PB 160‘s daughter card (the poor machine is turning into a Frankenmac).
So far, all good. I‘m now wondering whether I can re-fit the original (re-capped) screen without danger to the (new) motherboard, given that the original motherboard caused the screen to go first stripy, then entirely dark. (I tried this by fitting the new screen to the old motherboard-and daughtherboard-combo: it also was dark. Using a new mobo and daughter board, the new screen lit up and works - it‘s just not been recapped and is not *that* great).
Another big step will be the battery. I‘ve sourced a 6 V 800 mAh NiCd pack. The original batteries packed 2,800 mH. What will happen when I charge an 800 mAh pack? Does the charging circuit expect a 2,800 mAh pack? In other words, will it overheat? Does anyone know? Thank you so much for all your help and info!