It looks like your card is recognized by the drivers so I think the card simply doesn’t see the Ram.
If you know the RAM is good, then I would suspect it’s your jumpers config. There’s usually a few sets of jumpers on these types of boards. I would look for the ones close to the crystal oscilator or close to the RAM slots and just experiment moving them around. You might see two jumpers and both of them have to be in the correct position.
There’s no crystal on this one that I’m aware of, but here are the set of jumpers -
@Phipli noticed that my jumper config was identical to one he found on the forums a while back. I’ve attached mine close-up, as well as another one with the same config (this might be how it arrived in the factory.).
I noticed that in the other thread where I grabbed this reference image, this board had 2.5 MB installed on the logic board, but it appeared to have more RAM installed on the accelerator, but it wasn’t being utilized.
Link to other thread: