Wombat with a gamepad


Well-known member
I’ve read the documentation - I understand that the wombat only works with keyboard and mice, and not with gamepad but…
If there are any USB gamepads without analogue sticks, which identify as keyboards (hence requiring no drivers, and hence only requiring configuration in the game itself), I can’t see any reason why they wouldn’t work. So…
Does such a thing exist?

Alternatively, is there an ADB library for teensy (or similar) which give a leg up for developing such a thing? I’d be up for having a crack at developing a gamepad to adb adaptor if such a thing exists…


Well-known member
There have been some projects for mapping a gamepad to keyboard inputs, but if I'm not mistaken most of them are centered around PS/2 and or AT keyboards. With that said, I do know there is a Vogons Thread where someone was developing a board to convert genesis and snes controllers to PS/2 that may be helpful.


Well-known member
Soo… it might be possible to have a doodad that maps a usb gamepad to usb keyboard and then use a wombat. Is that what you mean? It feels a bit clunky though.
is there any good documentation on the ADB protocol and handshaking? I mean, the docs I’ve read say that only one pin carries data - and presumably that’s earthed against the ground plain. What does that look like though? I’m guessing, but I haven’t seen any documentation…
  • Device gets power and sends message to Mac saying I’m here, I’m a keyboard (what header, what ID?)
  • Mac responds with ID for the device to use on the bus
  • Device stores ID and prefixes all future comms with that ID.
does that sound plausible? Where can I find this info?

Also, are there any schematics for any safety concerns, fuses etc, to be included on an ADB device to prevent my homemade tinkerings from giving my precious 68k Mac a very nasty time indeed?


Well-known member
Alternatively, is there an ADB library for teensy (or similar) which give a leg up for developing such a thing? I’d be up for having a crack at developing a gamepad to adb adaptor if such a thing exists…

There is a device that converts ADB to SNES/PS1/MD controllers - might be the one to clone. I've got it, but at work can't remember the name of it.


Well-known member
How does this adaptor help? The hardest part is going to be the software for it, to handle the handshake etc. Without documentation for that, we’re back where we started.
Unless I’m missing something which is entirely probable!


Well-known member
This adapter helps as there is software! I'm again at work but will post back, the drivers are on Macintosh Garden.


Well-known member
(Apropos of nothing at all, every time I scroll past this thread I involuntarily sing its title in my head to the tune of 'tiptoe through the tulips' and it is driving me half mad...)


Active member
did this ever get an answer? I believe the question was, "Can we use the USB Wombat to map a usb gamepad to ADB?"


Well-known member
did this ever get an answer? I believe the question was, "Can we use the USB Wombat to map a usb gamepad to ADB?"
If you wanted to make something, it would be fairly easy hardware wise. The arduino Leonardo and other Arduinos based on the ATMega32u4 and similar support spoofing a keyboard key presses.


Active member
If you wanted to make something, it would be fairly easy hardware wise. The arduino Leonardo and other Arduinos based on the ATMega32u4 and similar support spoofing a keyboard key presses.
Yes, I have seen some arduino keyboard projects out there. As I already own the Wombat (just opened the box), I was hoping someone had used it for a gamepad and their experience could give me a head start. I'll tinker with it and report back my results.