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  • Owner of more Macs than I care to think about. Proud owner of a fleet of bicycles (personal record distance - 325miles in one day). Adventure sportsman and retro enthusiast. You kind of have to feel sorry for my poor wife!
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    Reactions: luRaichu and Phipli
    Athleticism and computer collecting... A rare combination! (if I dare to believe mainsteam stereotypes)
    I don’t know. It’s all just collecting. Computers. Bicycles. Trainers (sneakers). Event T-Shirts. Miles. Medals.

    I have quite the collection of cameras too - including film cameras that I still use. My favourites being a Nikon F, an F3 and a Hasselblad. But they never come on adventure sports with me - that’s the sole domain of my iPhone. (And I seem to have kept my old ones and their boxes too!)
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