SuperMac PDQ, Spectrum 8, 24, Thunder ROMs


Well-known member
@pl212 Looking at the drawing code, the 8LC has the logo stored as 1 bit per pixel. So each byte in the array is 8 pixels. 0 bits are black, 1 bits are "RasterOps blue/green".


Well-known member
@pl212 Looking at the drawing code, the 8LC has the logo stored as 1 bit per pixel. So each byte in the array is 8 pixels. 0 bits are black, 1 bits are "RasterOps blue/green".
perl -0777 -pE 's/DC\.B//g; s/[^\w]//g; s/(.{62})/\1\n/g;
while (/(?{$X=pos()})(\w\w)/mg) { substr($_,$X,2) = sprintf ("%08b", hex($1)); pos() = $X + 8 };
' <<< '
  DC.B    $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$FC,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$0F,$C0,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$7F,$FF,$FC,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$FC,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$80,$00,$0F,$C0,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$7F,$FF,$FF,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$FC,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$00,$00,$07,$FF,$E0,$00,$1F,$80,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$0F,$FF,$FF,$C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$FC,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$00,$00,$1F,$FF,$F0,$00,$1F,$80,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$07,$FC,$3F,$E0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$F8,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$00,$00,$7F,$87,$F8,$00,$1F,$80,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$07,$F8,$0F,$F0,$00,$3C,$FE,$00,$1F,$E0,$03,$F8,$00,$00,$FE,$00,$1E
  DC.B    $00,$E0,$00,$FE,$01,$FC,$00,$FF,$F8,$00,$03,$FC,$00
  DC.B    $00,$0F,$F8,$0F,$F0,$01,$FE,$FE,$00,$7F,$FC,$3F,$FF,$E0,$07,$FF,$80,$7F
  DC.B    $03,$F0,$01,$FC,$01,$FC,$07,$FF,$FF,$00,$0F,$FF,$80
  DC.B    $00,$0F,$F0,$07,$F8,$07,$FF,$FE,$00,$FF,$FF,$3F,$FF,$C0,$1F,$FF,$C0,$FF
  DC.B    $87,$F0,$03,$F8,$00,$FE,$0F,$FF,$1F,$C0,$1F,$FF,$E0
  DC.B    $00,$0F,$F0,$07,$F8,$0F,$F3,$FC,$00,$FC,$FF,$7F,$FF,$C0,$3F,$CF,$C1,$FF
  DC.B    $8F,$F8,$07,$F0,$00,$FE,$0E,$7F,$07,$E0,$1F,$9F,$E0
  DC.B    $00,$0F,$F0,$07,$F8,$1F,$C1,$FC,$01,$F8,$3F,$07,$F0,$00,$7F,$87,$E3,$FF
  DC.B    $9F,$F8,$0F,$F0,$00,$FE,$00,$7F,$07,$F0,$3F,$07,$E0
  DC.B    $00,$1F,$F0,$07,$F8,$3F,$81,$FC,$01,$F8,$1F,$07,$F0,$00,$FF,$07,$E7,$3F
  DC.B    $BB,$F8,$1F,$E0,$00,$FF,$00,$7F,$03,$F0,$3F,$03,$E0
  DC.B    $00,$1F,$E0,$07,$F8,$7F,$01,$FC,$01,$FC,$0E,$07,$F0,$01,$FE,$07,$EE,$3F
  DC.B    $F1,$F8,$1F,$E0,$00,$FF,$00,$7E,$03,$F8,$3F,$81,$C0
  DC.B    $00,$1F,$E0,$0F,$F0,$7F,$03,$F8,$01,$FE,$06,$07,$E0,$01,$FE,$07,$FC,$3F
  DC.B    $E1,$F8,$3F,$C0,$00,$FF,$00,$FE,$03,$F8,$3F,$C0,$C0
  DC.B    $00,$1F,$E0,$0F,$F0,$FE,$03,$F8,$01,$FF,$00,$0F,$E0,$03,$FC,$0F,$D8,$3F
  DC.B    $C1,$F0,$3F,$C0,$00,$FF,$00,$FE,$03,$F8,$3F,$E0,$00
  DC.B    $00,$3F,$E0,$1F,$E0,$FE,$03,$F8,$00,$FF,$80,$0F,$E0,$03,$FC,$0F,$C0,$7F
  DC.B    $80,$E0,$7F,$C0,$00,$FF,$00,$FE,$03,$F8,$1F,$F0,$00
  DC.B    $00,$3F,$C0,$1F,$C1,$FC,$03,$F8,$00,$FF,$C0,$0F,$E0,$07,$F8,$1F,$80,$7F
  DC.B    $80,$00,$7F,$80,$00,$FF,$00,$FC,$03,$F8,$1F,$F8,$00
  DC.B    $00,$3F,$C0,$3F,$81,$FC,$07,$F0,$00,$7F,$E0,$0F,$C0,$07,$F8,$7E,$00,$7F
  DC.B    $00,$00,$7F,$80,$01,$FF,$01,$FC,$03,$F8,$0F,$FC,$00
  DC.B    $00,$3F,$C0,$7F,$03,$FC,$07,$F0,$00,$3F,$F0,$1F,$C0,$07,$FB,$F8,$00,$7F
  DC.B    $00,$00,$FF,$80,$01,$FF,$01,$FC,$03,$F8,$07,$FE,$00
  DC.B    $00,$7F,$C0,$FE,$03,$F8,$07,$F0,$00,$1F,$F8,$1F,$C0,$0F,$FF,$C0,$00,$FE
  DC.B    $00,$00,$FF,$00,$01,$FE,$01,$FC,$07,$F0,$03,$FF,$00
  DC.B    $00,$7F,$83,$F8,$03,$F8,$0F,$F0,$00,$0F,$F8,$1F,$C0,$0F,$FE,$00,$00,$FE
  DC.B    $00,$00,$FF,$00,$01,$FE,$01,$F8,$07,$F0,$01,$FF,$00
  DC.B    $00,$7F,$9F,$E0,$03,$F8,$0F,$E0,$00,$07,$FC,$1F,$80,$0F,$F0,$00,$00,$FE
  DC.B    $00,$01,$FF,$00,$03,$FE,$03,$F8,$07,$F0,$00,$FF,$80
  DC.B    $00,$7F,$FF,$C0,$03,$F8,$1F,$E0,$C6,$03,$FC,$3F,$83,$0F,$F0,$00,$C0,$FE
  DC.B    $00,$01,$FF,$00,$03,$FC,$03,$F8,$0F,$E0,$C0,$7F,$80
  DC.B    $00,$FF,$FF,$E0,$03,$F8,$3F,$E1,$C7,$01,$FC,$3F,$87,$0F,$F0,$01,$C1,$FC
  DC.B    $00,$01,$FE,$00,$03,$FC,$03,$F8,$0F,$E0,$E0,$3F,$80
  DC.B    $00,$FF,$0F,$E0,$03,$F8,$7F,$E3,$8F,$80,$FC,$3F,$8E,$0F,$F8,$03,$81,$FC
  DC.B    $00,$01,$FE,$00,$07,$FC,$03,$F0,$1F,$C1,$F0,$1F,$80
  DC.B    $00,$FF,$0F,$F0,$03,$FC,$EF,$E7,$0F,$C0,$FC,$3F,$9C,$0F,$F8,$07,$01,$FC
  DC.B    $00,$01,$FE,$00,$07,$F8,$07,$F0,$1F,$C1,$F8,$1F,$80
  DC.B    $00,$FF,$0F,$F0,$03,$FF,$CF,$FE,$1F,$E0,$F8,$3F,$F8,$07,$FE,$1E,$01,$FC
  DC.B    $00,$01,$FE,$00,$07,$F8,$07,$F8,$3F,$83,$FC,$1F,$00
  DC.B    $01,$FF,$07,$F0,$01,$FF,$8F,$FC,$1F,$F1,$F8,$3F,$F0,$07,$FF,$FC,$03,$F8
  DC.B    $00,$01,$FE,$00,$0F,$F0,$07,$FC,$FF,$03,$FE,$3F,$00
  DC.B    $01,$FE,$07,$F8,$01,$FF,$0F,$F8,$1F,$FF,$F0,$1F,$E0,$03,$FF,$F0,$03,$F8
  DC.B    $00,$01,$FE,$00,$0F,$F0,$07,$FF,$FE,$03,$FF,$FE,$00
  DC.B    $01,$FE,$07,$F8,$00,$FC,$07,$E0,$07,$FF,$E0,$1F,$80,$01,$FF,$C0,$03,$F8
  DC.B    $00,$00,$FE,$00,$1F,$E0,$0F,$EF,$F8,$00,$FF,$FC,$00
  DC.B    $01,$FE,$03,$F8,$00,$70,$03,$80,$00,$FF,$80,$0E,$00,$00,$7E,$00,$03,$F8
  DC.B    $00,$00,$FE,$00,$1F,$C0,$0F,$E3,$C0,$00,$1F,$F0,$00
  DC.B    $03,$FE,$03,$FC,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$00,$FE,$00,$3F,$80,$0F,$C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $03,$FC,$03,$FC,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$00,$7F,$00,$7F,$00,$0F,$C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $03,$FC,$01,$FC,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$00,$7F,$00,$FE,$00,$1F,$C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $07,$FC,$01,$FE,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$00,$3F,$C3,$FC,$00,$1F,$80,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $0F,$FE,$01,$FF,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$00,$1F,$FF,$F0,$00,$3F,$C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $7F,$FF,$C0,$FF,$E0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$00,$07,$FF,$C0,$01,$FF,$F8,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $7F,$FF,$C0,$FF,$E0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
  DC.B    $00,$00,$00,$FE,$00,$01,$FF,$F8,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00


Well-known member
BTW, the 24Mx, 24MxRGB, and 24MxTV were added to the GitHub repo a few days ago. And there are more cards to come.


Well-known member
Finally recieved my T48! Attached is a dump of the "Supermac Spectrum SE/30 v1.0" rom. Please help me check wether it seems correct as it's my first ever rom dump. I could read some text in the written data so that at least looked promising :).


  • Supermac Spectrum SE30 v1.0.BIN
    16 KB · Views: 6


Well-known member
Is there a modern pin-compatible replacement for the EPROMs used on these cards? I think the original is a 28-pin 27C128, but I'm having a hard time finding a Flash or EEPROM replacement.


Well-known member
It seems that the answer is no. The 28C128 would be the answer, but it's no longer made and it's expensive if you can find one. The 28C256 could be made to work if you duplicate the 128 kB data twice to fill 256 kB, but it's no longer made either. 28C256 can still be found, but they're about $12 apiece, or slightly cheaper from eBay sellers. But now that I think about it, I might actually have one or the other in a drawer around here somewhere...


Well-known member
Is there a modern pin-compatible replacement for the EPROMs used on these cards? I think the original is a 28-pin 27C128, but I'm having a hard time finding a Flash or EEPROM replacement.
It's not modern, but for a pin compatible option you might look at the w27c257. It's an EEPROM, which is nice, but it is old so harder to come by (less nice).


Well-known member
I just wrote this up recently, and yeah, unfortunately, 27C128 has no replacement, but the others have a few options:

Oh, and confusingly a 28C256 is definitely not compatible with a 27C256. The pinout is slightly different. I think it might be workable for a 27C128 though.


Well-known member
Finally recieved my T48! Attached is a dump of the "Supermac Spectrum SE/30 v1.0" rom. Please help me check wether it seems correct as it's my first ever rom dump. I could read some text in the written data so that at least looked promising :).
Looks valid to me! Nice job.


Well-known member
I just wrote this up recently, and yeah, unfortunately, 27C128 has no replacement, but the others have a few options:

Oh, and confusingly a 28C256 is definitely not compatible with a 27C256. The pinout is slightly different. I think it might be workable for a 27C128 though.

What about a 29c256? Seems like a popular replacement for a 27c128 from what I managed to find online.


Well-known member
Here's a dump of the SuperMac ColorCard SE/30 ROM. It's a 27C128 EPROM labeled:

1003038 - 0001 COLORCARD
SE/30 Copyright 1989
SuperMac Technology
All Rights Reserved


  • SuperMac ColorCard SE30.bin
    16 KB · Views: 6


Well-known member
Finally recieved my T48! Attached is a dump of the "Supermac Spectrum SE/30 v1.0" rom
I tried installing this ROM in my SuperMac ColorCard SE/30. Since I don't have any blank 16KB 27C128 EPROMs, I used a 32KB W27C257 and repeated the 16KB Spectrum SE/30 ROM two times to fill 32KB. The modified 32KB ROM file is attached.

Upgrade successful! With the stock ROM, the card will do 640x480@256 colors or 1024x768@16 colors, as well as portrait mode (which I don't care about). After the ROM swap I was able to run 1024x768@256 colors! This proves that the resolution and color depth settings were entirely firmware-limited on the ColorCard, for sales and marketing purposes and not for engineering reasons.

My card has three different oscillators installed: 64 MHz (used for 1024x768), 30.24 MHz (used for Apple 13 inch RGB), and 57.28 (used for 15 inch portrait mode). In Apple 13 inch RGB mode, it outputs composite sync and sync-on-green, but not separate horizontal and vertical sync. That's disappointing, since it limits the range of monitors it'll work on. The SuperMac SuperVideo control panel also lists an option for 640x480 multisync monitor, but it requires a 24 MHz oscillator. I wonder if I replaced the 57.28 oscillator with a 24 MHz one, could I then use the 640x480 multisync option, and would it output separate hsync and vsync for wider monitor support?

I noticed something else curious about the sync signals. Initially I tried two different Mac-to-VGA adapters: a Griffin Mac PNP and my own prototype adapter. The PnP was set for "autoconfigure" and my prototype was set to pass through the non-existent hsync and vsync. In both cases, there was an echo of the red component of all pixels:


I then reconfigured my prototype adapter to cut off all the sync signals, so the monitor would be forced to use sync-on-green (if it could). The result looked much better:



  • Supermac Spectrum SE30 v1.0 repeated 2x.bin
    32 KB · Views: 4


Well-known member
I tried installing this ROM in my SuperMac ColorCard SE/30. Since I don't have any blank 16KB 27C128 EPROMs, I used a 32KB W27C257 and repeated the 16KB Spectrum SE/30 ROM two times to fill 32KB. The modified 32KB ROM file is attached.

Upgrade successful! With the stock ROM, the card will do 640x480@256 colors or 1024x768@16 colors, as well as portrait mode (which I don't care about). After the ROM swap I was able to run 1024x768@256 colors! This proves that the resolution and color depth settings were entirely firmware-limited on the ColorCard, for sales and marketing purposes and not for engineering reasons.

My card has three different oscillators installed: 64 MHz (used for 1024x768), 30.24 MHz (used for Apple 13 inch RGB), and 57.28 (used for 15 inch portrait mode). In Apple 13 inch RGB mode, it outputs composite sync and sync-on-green, but not separate horizontal and vertical sync. That's disappointing, since it limits the range of monitors it'll work on. The SuperMac SuperVideo control panel also lists an option for 640x480 multisync monitor, but it requires a 24 MHz oscillator. I wonder if I replaced the 57.28 oscillator with a 24 MHz one, could I then use the 640x480 multisync option, and would it output separate hsync and vsync for wider monitor support?

I noticed something else curious about the sync signals. Initially I tried two different Mac-to-VGA adapters: a Griffin Mac PNP and my own prototype adapter. The PnP was set for "autoconfigure" and my prototype was set to pass through the non-existent hsync and vsync. In both cases, there was an echo of the red component of all pixels:

View attachment 65479

I then reconfigured my prototype adapter to cut off all the sync signals, so the monitor would be forced to use sync-on-green (if it could). The result looked much better:

View attachment 65480
That’s awesome! There’s a fourth socket available for adding an oscillator, so hopefully you wouldn’t have to exchange anything and can just add the 24mhz one 😊.


Well-known member
Has anyone without a ROM reader tried using SlotRom to extract the data? It may not generate flashable ROMs (for instance, if the data stored in the ROM is re-ordered), but it would at least let us have a look at other cards from folks who can't rip them normally. From my experience, that's not a big deal for SuperMac cards anyway (much more common on Radius):



Well-known member
SlotRom does work and has been used. As you note, what it gives you may not always match a read from the EPROM (most SuperMac cards have all the bits inverted) but it’s useful for reverse-engineering.


Well-known member
BTW, the 24Mx, 24MxRGB, and 24MxTV were added to the GitHub repo a few days ago. And there are more cards to come.
If anyone has those cards, those ROM revisions look newer than the dumps floating out on the internet. If you'd like to give them a try you don't need to compile anything, there's already srecord dumps in the repo. If you need a binary format for your flasher, you can convert with SRecord's srec_cat:

$ srec_cat ROM.24Mx.S1.64K -o ROM.24Mx.bin -binary

One of the ROMs uses Mac line endings, which will cause srec_cat to barf. Just fix them with sed first:

$ cat ROM.24MxTV.S1.64K | sed "s/\m/\n/g" > fixed.ROM.24MxTV.S1.64K
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