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Slow Internet Connection on G3 All-In-One 500 MHz on DSL


I am trying to set up a couple G3 500 MHz computers for my grandkids.

They are on a DSL connection. They are running OS 9.2

I can connect to the internet using Internet Explorer or Netscape.

I can surf to Yahoo, Google, Ebay etc fairly quickly.

When I try to download any children's software they slow to mud and never get around to downloading. This is consistent regardless of which site I go to or which comptuer I am setting up.

Safari and Firefox both say OS 10 only so those browsers are out of the equation. I do not plan on upgrading the OS for a couple of 5 year olds to play on.

Is this a problem with OS 9.2. A problem with the G3? Is slow to no downloads common with the this computer and operating system?

Is it only me? NO! I sold one of these machines and the customer has the same problem using a cable internet connection. High speed connection and they say they cannot dowload anything.



Well-known member
i never had a issue like that on my Beige G3 AIO in OS 9.2.2 with the stock hardware or upgraded hardware. i ran it on 1.6meg DSL and a 15meg cable internet and it flew on the net using both the onboard 10 base t ethernet (in OS 9.x or OS X) and the belkin wireless G+ PCI card (worked in OS X only).

sounds like the OS is having issues or its the connection or network hardware they are using.

go into system folder/preferances and delete Internet Preferences, Open Transport Preferences folder, TCP/IP Preferences and anything having to do with the ethernet or internet should be reset, for extra measures after i delete preferences i always reboot the computer.

if that dont help try reinstalling the OS and if that dont help then there is a hardware issue or a extensions conflict somehow.



OK, I'll give your instructions a try.

I just tried to download a file from apple.com 82MB and I stopped it when the estimated time hit over 2 hours.

ACTUALLY, for this download, I switched to a G3 600 MHz computer and it is following the same problem line. VERY SLOW Same OS 9.2

My office work computer is a PC. estimated time for the same file 15 minutes.

I need to figure out this problem. I have a G3 tower with 0S 10 on it, maybe I'll compare operating sytems.




I did what you said and the download estimate dropped to 15 minutes and with 10 minutes to go, it looks like I am into speedy downloads.

This is on the 600 MHz G3. Next I'll try the same thing on the 500 MHZ, but I expect I will get similar results. Grandkids & their parents should be happy.

I am on a slow DSL connection. FAST DSL not available, though I paid for it for a few years. (that's another story) Our city, or my location does not support anything faster :-(
