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SE/30 Board Mystery Issue


Well-known member
To my everlasting shame, I lifted the pad at C5+ ... all the other pads are OK. Would some kind person tell me where to run a bodge wire from C5+ ? or where to find a clear schematic.
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Well-known member
Checked continuity for everything in the sound circuit as indicated on recap-a-mac. All that is fine. I took out the video chips and video rom and cleaned sockets with deoxit. Cleaned up as much as I could on everything else. Caps should be here by tuesday.


  • IMG_1123.jpeg
    1.1 MB · Views: 14


Well-known member
Here is an excellent re-drawn version of the SE/30 schematics. This was created by one of the board members here, I didn't bookmark the original post I got it from so I can't give credit where credit is due, but I'm sure someone here will know who created it.


  • Macintosh SE_30 Schematic Redraw of 050-0253-01 AUG-04-2020.pdf
    3.1 MB · Views: 18


Well-known member
You'll be fine most damage is on the surface and vias can usually be easily bypassed. The best tool you have for repair is your eyes. Spend the time inspecting every pad and via and you will see anything that looks nasty, then you can check it with a multimeter. I think we have multiple schematics for these. A reproduction board with minor changes, but will open in tools that will highlight traces for you, as well as Bomarc (not a huge fan) and possibly also Apple schematics (their early revision schematics and there is a change, but that is documented in the reproduction).
Are there tools that will let you highlight traces on a Gerber file? That would be really helpful.

Using the SE/30 Reloaded Gerber files with an online Gerber viewer will make following traces quite easy. I have experimented with a number of the online Gerber viewers and have found Altium (https://www.altium.com/viewer/) to be the best. It is quite responsive, some others are very slow. You can show and hide layers, making it very easy to follow a trace from point to point.


Well-known member
Here is an excellent re-drawn version of the SE/30 schematics. This was created by one of the board members here, I didn't bookmark the original post I got it from so I can't give credit where credit is due, but I'm sure someone here will know who created it.
fantastic. This is exactly what I've been looking for. Thank you.


Well-known member
fantastic. This is exactly what I've been looking for. Thank you.
Definitely try out the board files with the Altium viewer too. Since it is a "map" of the board, it is very easy to visually follow a trace from point A to B. The reloaded board is not an exact copy of the original so not all components and traces are in the exact location as a stock board, but it is close enough to be helpful. The board files are on Bolle's GitHub page: https://github.com/TheRealBolle/SE30


Well-known member
well, an update… Making some progress.

After a full logic board, analog board, and PSU recap, I've got sound working (it chimes).

Still no video. And that problem is isolated to the logic board because this analog board and power supply work fine with other boards.

The CRT is no longer making flickering snowflakes it's just dark unless I boost the brightness all the way at which point you can see the scan lines on the CRT. again, the CRT and analog board are perfectly fine. They boot other boards with no problem and the brightness is fine.

so we have a video issue on what seems to be a board that's alive.

Any ideas where to start. I am very unfamiliar with how to approach video problems on the logic board. UE8 looks ok and i've cleaned everything pretty well.


Well-known member
is it a good assumption that since it chimes, it is seeing the ROM and therefore the board is working, but there is an obvious video issue. In other words, the ROM, RAM And processor are alive?


Well-known member
yes, that usually means a successful boot... but i would check your video PAL, UE8, and the TMS4461 chips... do you get no video at all or do you just get the horizontal jail bars?