SCSI Terminators: Determining Passive vs Active

David Cook

Well-known member
Like most of you, I use a solid-state memory card to replace dead SCSI drives. When repairing or testing old Macs, I usually place the MacSD, ZuluSCSI, or SCSI2SD drive externally. Often, these old computers do not come with a working internal drive. Depending on the Mac model, I sometimes need to install an internal SCSI terminator (or a dead drive with onboard SCSI termination) to get the external solid-state drive to work.

When I'm lucky enough to receive a computer with a working drive, one of the first things I do is to backup the old drive. But, when trying to backup old working SCSI drives to an external solid state card, sometimes the drives are incompatible. I try a combination of changing the solid-state termination options, changing the internal drive termination, or using an external terminator. In some cases, even that doesn't work. In that case, I resort to using just an external old hard drive to perform the backup, and then copy that over to solid state on a different machine.

Let's talk for a moment about SCSI termination. Have you ever been on a phone call with an echo? It's really difficult to have a conversation. Right? Sometimes you mishear and sometimes you need to repeat yourself. Sometimes it is so bad you can't have a conversation at all.

Think of the SCSI cabling as the size of a room. The longer the cable, the bigger the room, the bigger the echo. The far ends of the SCSI cable are like the far walls of the room. If you put some padding there, you can eliminate most of the echo and have an easier conversation. That's what SCSI terminators do. They absorb the reflected "sound" of the SCSI conversation. Now, you don't want to deaden the conversation in the middle of the room -- only on the ends that are generating echo. You also don't want to have a dangling internal cable or external cable without anything on it. That's like appending an empty hallway, which increases echo.

To continue this analogy, adding drives to each end of the may chain help, because they are absorbing some of the sound by connecting circuitry to the cables. But, unless those drives have built-in termination (most internal hard drives do), then there is still going to be a lot of echo at the ends of those wires, because the drive circuitry is designed to sip the conversation, not deaden it.

Sometimes you get lucky even without terminators, because SCSI has parity, checksums, timeouts, and other error detection mechanisms that can ignore some of the garbage generated by echo interference and the echos themselves. But, you won't get maximum speed because each retry takes time.

Now you understand that terminators are simply wall padding that absorbs echo. And, you understand that echo is generated at the ends of the wires in the SCSI chain. Shorter wires and terminators = less echo = easier conversation = working and faster SCSI.

Passive SCSI terminators are just pairs of resistors going to +5V and GND. Instead of being reflected (echoed) by the end of the wire, the leftover signal energy is literally consumed in the resistors as the electrical signal proceeds to either the +5V path or the GND path through the resistors. There is one pair of resistors for each signal/data/command pin on SCSI on a passive terminator. This works well in most circumstances.

There are two downsides with passive terminators.
1. For each terminated pin (18 in total), power continually flows from +5V through a 220 ohm resistor and then through a 330 ohm resistor to ground. It is consuming this power constantly (220+550ohms across 18 parallel pins = 30.55 ohms. 5V/30.55 ohms=0.163 A * 5V * 2 terminators = 1.63 watts). So, the old power supply is working a little harder and heating up your Mac a little bit more.

2. Most Macs have a 1N4001 diode or similar (to eliminate backflow) and a 1 amp fuse (to prevent short-circuit damage). Between these components and the cabling itself, the 5V terminator power is actually less. For example, the diode probably knocks off 0.8 volts with a passive terminator on each end of the SCSI chain. The fuse and cabling eats a little bit more. Oh, and the power supply is not exactly 5 V anyway. Here's the problem: all passive terminators are the same, but individual computer SCSI setups differ. That means the off-the-shelf terminators were designed to work best in the "most likely" setups.

An active SCSI terminator includes a chip and/or other circuitry, not just resistors. That means it can be "smarter". The simplest design is just a 2.85V regulator connected to the positive resistors. This eliminates the variance of voltage drop caused by cables, diodes, etc, and moves some of the heat outside the Mac. But, even better designs have chips that monitor the SCSI pins and adjust voltage as needed. They can also include features such as enable/disable. Active terminators use as little as 1/100th the power when idle.

Depending on the active terminator's technology, it can make certain setups work correctly and perform faster (fewer retries). But, it isn't all-powerful magic. A failing hard drive controller board, bad cable, or other misbehaving device will still interfere with the SCSI chain. The active terminator is simply better and more energy efficient at removing echo and noise. The active terminator is not a SCSI controller or referee.

Unfortunately, since SCSI terminators are opaque, you have no way of seeing what technology is used inside. It is possible that a terminator labeled "active" is actually a fraud. I have a small collection of classic SCSI terminators. I wanted to learn how to detect which are active and which are passive.

Let's begin with a figure from Apple's hardware guide. Notice the 1N4001 diode and 1 amp fuse in the middle of the diagram? That's backflow and short circuit protection. If an external device shorts or sends +12V on the terminator power pin, it isn't going to fry your Mac.


For the purpose of these tests, we're going to use Apple's internal connector numbering. This differs from the numbering normally found on Centronics 50-pin SCSI connectors. But, I want the instructions to be consistent. We are looking at the male ends of the connectors.


Set your multimeter to resistance mode. Put the ground probe on pin 1 for all of the tests. This is a SCSI GND pin. Touch the other probe to each of the following pins:

Pin 49: Should read almost zero ohms because this is also GND. If not, your probes aren't making good contact or you've got your terminator upside down. Notice the notch on the internal terminator and the wider side of the external terminator.

Pin 2: Should read around 143 ohms or such. This is a data pin. According the lore, there should be a 330 ohm resistor connecting this to ground. But, since all of the other resistors all connect to ground and up to +5V and back down to this pin, you've got a much more complicated path than I care to calculate. The point is, around 143 ohms means you have a standard passive terminator.

If you get a significantly different reading, you have some form of an active terminator.

Pin 26. Should read around 30.55 ohms for a standard passive terminator. A high reading indicates an active terminator. A reading that slowly climbs higher is an active terminator that includes a capacitor in the circuit. A very low (near 0) resistance says you are on the wrong pin. In any case, pin 26 is the terminator power pin. In an active terminator, this powers the chip -- rather than simply going through a resistor to each signal pin. So, a high or disconnected resistance says there is a chip in the way.

Pin 25: Bonus time. Should be really high resistance (or OL on many meters) because this pin should be disconnected. It was on all of my terminators. Surprisingly, early Macs (not terminators) ground this pin on the motherboard.

Pin 24: Bonus time. Can be really high resistance (or OL on many meters) because this pin may be disconnected, or really low resistance (near 0) because it may be grounded. It varied depending the terminator I tested. On Mac motherboards, this also may be grounded or disconnected. Weird, huh? There are other SCSI pins that were repurposed ("reserved") as SCSI evolved.

Really, if you just test pin 26 versus ground, you can determine if the terminator is active or passive. For example, I determined that:
1. The internal terminators (black in image below) that I bought on eBay, are indeed active.
2. The smaller Apple terminator (gray, top right in the image below) is passive. That's part number 590-0695-A.
3. The longer Apple terminator (gray, bottom right) is active. That's part number 590-0772. M3503LL/A


When I connected the active Apple terminator to my bench power supply, it drew only 2 mA (0.005 W). The passive Apple terminator drew 161 mA (0.805 W), as predicted.

The black internal terminators drew 9 mA (0.045 W) and 10 mA (0.050 W). Not surprisingly, the black terminators likely use a different technology than Apple. However, I can't determine from these readings if the two internal terminators are different from each other. Their multimeter resistance readings are very different -- but both use capacitors so I can't be sure of the significance of the resistance values.

I hope this information is useful.

- David


Well-known member
Thanks for writing this up, it's quite interesting. I had never considered the constant current draw that passive terminators would have with all those resistors tied to ground. Yet another good reason to avoid them.

The black internal terminators drew 9 mA (0.045 W) and 10 mA (0.050 W). Not surprisingly, the black terminators likely use a different technology than Apple.
A pretty common low-dropout linear regulator that looks to have historically been used for SCSI termination, the LD1117, has a typical quiescent draw of 5mA (max 10mA). It would be interesting to know if the Apple was just using a different regulator or they got fancy and put a different termination system in.

even better designs have chips that monitor the SCSI pins and adjust voltage as needed.
Does anyone have an example of a device that did line conditioning like this? I'm not familiar at all with LVD SCSI: was this a feature of those devices? I'd be curious if the extra effort yielded any tangible benefits in SCSI performance.

A potentially interesting sidenote from the spec is an alternative active termination scheme using 100ohm resistors and a 2.63V regulator. I don't know if any commercial devices ever took advantage of this. The spec notes that this will "provide lower performance at somewhat lower cost," so a vendor somewhere may have tried to shave a few cents off each unit this way.

David Cook

Well-known member
A pretty common low-dropout linear regulator that looks to have historically been used for SCSI termination, the LD1117

Oh.... now you've got me itching to go to my milling machine to shave down one of the active terminators.

David Cook

Well-known member
Now you understand that terminators are simply wall padding that absorbs echo.

While fine for an analogy, my statement is not actually true. I'd like to point out that I didn't discuss the key role that SCSI terminators perform in providing the high-voltage signal value. That is, SCSI-1 single-ended devices (like disk drive controllers) only pull-down (GND) the lines to communicate. The Mac motherboard (depending on model) and the terminators pull up the signals. The terminators must provide enough current to pull up quickly and cleanly, but not too much current that the devices can't pull down far enough and fast enough to deliver signals.

Another disadvantage of passive termination is that as the device sinks current and then releases (to indicate 1 and 0 bits, etc), the voltage of the terminator power line is fluctuating locally based on the current drawn. That is, the base terminator voltage isn't a steady 5V or 4.2V (after the diode drop) or whatever. It is affected locally (noisy) by how many lines are switching on and off.

I also didn't go into the effects of increased capacitance with adding cables and devices. Or cross talk. Or cable conductor thickness. I really was trying to keep it brief to move onto how to test the terminator.

Does anyone have an example of a device that did line conditioning like this?

As I was reviewing various datasheets of active terminator chips, the block diagrams often show feedback pins or describe interesting power schemes. For example, the period-appropriate (late 1992) TL2218-285 terminator chip intelligently switches between constant voltage and constant current rather than a steady resistor connected to a voltage regulator. The benefit is that it can "true up" a rising signal to a strong high voltage faster without exceeding SCSI specified current limits. Cleaner signal = fewer errors.

I have to imagine there are old active terminators based on that chip or similar technology. It would be cool to identify them.

David Cook

Well-known member
Oh. It's not good.


First, Apple psyched me out with this fantastic soldered shielding. Fort Knox.


How disappointing. It isn't a fancy chip. It's just a voltage regulator.


The TL2217-285 is a fixed voltage regulator whose preset voltage is purposefully made for SCSI termination.


Backside is the standard resistor array and some capacitors for the regulator. So, unfortunately, the Apple Active Terminator is nothing special.


Aside: I hope this is no-clean flux because those pads look a little gross.


Our next candidate is the "golden" Granite with blinking lights.

Don't be fooled by the big chip -- that's a standard 7404 inverter chip for driving the LEDs from the associated SCSI logic signals.


And @saybur wins a prize for correctly guessing that the 11172 regulator would be in one of these active terminators. This is a 1117 voltage regulator, where the '2' on the end refers to the 2.85V fixed voltage specifically intended for SCSI.



Our last hope is the eBay import internal terminator. Surely a more modern implementation will feature a fancy chip!

Removing the black outer cover reveals the circuitry is encapsulated in plastic.


It would require a lot of digging to remove the plastic. I'm not sure the parts would be readable. But, clearly that's just a voltage regulator in the middle with the standard resistor arrays on the side.


In summary, all three of these active terminators have the same type of circuitry. None of them are special. The Apple and Granite had shielding. The import's plastic dissipates heat poorly.

- David


Well-known member
That's neat, never seen the insides of these before.

If note, those look like the same kind of old school tantalums that are all over PC motherboards. If so, hopefully this variety is more robust and less prone to failing short!

David Cook

Well-known member
Another active terminator arrived in the mail today. This Interex FPT-1000 has slightly better circuitry.

The inside of the plastic case has spray-on shielding.


The 74F04 logic chip is a hex (6-pack) inverter chip. It simply provides power to six of the seven LEDs based on the SCSI logic lines. The middle LED displays terminator power, and thus can be driven directly from that power source.


What you don't see is a resistor pack. Instead, the REG5601U includes a regulator, on/off switch, resistors, and noise clamp all in a single package. The Interex PCB included a place for a physical switch. I guess that's only populated on the 'premium' model. : )

Here's the instruction card that came with it.

The thermal and current limits are probably part of the voltage regulators we've seen on other terminators. And, frankly, they should never kick in under normal circumstances. The novel part of this terminator is clamp portion of the circuit.

- David

David Cook

Well-known member
Here is an unusual terminator, in regards to the quantity of discrete components used.


Top of board. Looks like capacitors to locally store terminator power. Voltage regulators on left and right??


Bottom of board. Transistors?


Angled to better show the connection to pins.


David Cook

Well-known member
220+550ohms across 18 parallel pins = 30.55 ohms. 5V/30.55 ohms=0.163 A * 5V * 2 terminators = 1.63 watts

Correcting a typo. I dropped the 330 ohm resistor and skipped to the sum. This should read:

220+330=550 ohms across 18 parallel pins = 30.55 ohms. 5V/30.55 ohms=0.163 A * 5V * 2 terminators = 1.63 watts

David Cook

Well-known member
I purchased one "Apple Macintosh Internal SCSI Termination Block for II, IIx, IIfx - 590-4515" from ryancook11 on eBay. It was overpriced, but I was interested in taking it apart to see if it is anything special. It is not.

The label says "Internal SCSI Filter, Ma" 590-4516 (slightly different than title, but matches eBay pictures) 9022 DM553-02-CAPS. This does not match Apple part numbering and it does not have any Apple branding. I don't know who manufactured it.


It comes apart by hand and is easily reassembled. Left-to-right: cap, female connector with attached PCB, frame, and keyed female to male extension/adapter.


The circuit board is flat. It appears to consist only of traces and printed resistors. So, a passive terminator.


I have three thoughts about this design:
1. The trace around terminator power seems a little thin. Notice GND and other portions of the terminator power trace are thicker. However, only 80 mA is flowing through each branch.
2. Pins 20, 22, 24, 28, and 30 probably should be n/c instead of ground. A lot of terminators ground these pins, therefore it must not be a big deal.
3 How well do printed resistors dissipate heat and age compared to surface mount? The terminator cap fits loosely; exposing the resistors to air. I guess this is no different than most potentiometers though.

Below is a close-up image of the resistors. This is thick-film technology. The slits are laser cuts to trim the resistance.


In summary, although this is novel, it is just a passive terminator. You can find active internal terminators in smaller footprints for less money. This does not have any extra features that would be beneficial for the IIfx.

- David


Well-known member
In summary, although this is novel, it is just a passive terminator. You can find active internal terminators in smaller footprints for less money. This does not have any extra features that would be beneficial for the IIfx.

Very nice analysis! Thank you for sharing those pictures, it's fascinating to see resistors like that.

I could definitely be wrong here, but looking at the pictures you posted and comparing against the II/IIx/IIfx service manual, it kind of looks like you received two parts. I think the part you disassembled is the SCSI termination block, and the thing you referred to as the keyed extension/adapter is the SCSI filter. Here's a picture from the service manual:


Everything I've read about the filter says that it provides termination capacitance. The service manual mentions it's needed for Apple drives shipped before March 19, 1990 and third-party drives. There are a bunch of notes about it in this doc too. I'm guessing that piece would be harder to disassemble...

Maybe it just adds the 2.2uF and 0.01uF caps just like what you pointed out in your other post?
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David Cook

Well-known member
Very nice analysis! Thank you for sharing those pictures, it's fascinating to see resistors like that.

I could definitely be wrong here, but looking at the pictures you posted and comparing against the II/IIx/IIfx service manual, it kind of looks like you received two parts. I think the part you disassembled is the SCSI termination block, and the thing you referred to as the keyed extension/adapter is the SCSI filter. Here's a picture from the service manual:

Holy mackerel! You are absolutely right. Thank you for the correction and leads.

These are Apple service part numbers and they are two different pieces: a filter and a termination block. Here are pictures from a different ryancook11 auction showing the Apple label:s-l1600.jpg


And that part has a patent number. Attached. Below is an example image.


No mention of capacitance or filter in the patent (as far as I could find). I've tried measuring the various pins of the filter portion and I can't detect any substantial capacitance. Perhaps the pins and plastic inherently act like a small capacitor? I'll keep investigating.

- David


  • US4857002.pdf
    693.6 KB · Views: 4


Well-known member
No mention of capacitance or filter in the patent (as far as I could find).

Interesting, you're right! It almost seems like it's describing the content of the terminator block that you took apart rather than the SCSI filter. It even mentions thick film resistors on a PCB just like you showed. That's an interesting twist. Now I'm really confused.


Well-known member
regarding the iifx terminator updates above, I know it may not be much real help but as sherlock holmes said to watson "how often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"