Rez & Derez for Linux

Before I go too crazy, does anyone know if there is a version of rez and derez available for Linux? Preferably something that works out of the box, but I'm not against porting over reimplementing myself.


Well-known member
I think you're stuck with whatever retro68 has or running the original MPW tools through one of the MPW emulators out there (though I don't know how well they work in practice)


Well-known member
I think you're stuck with whatever retro68 has or running the original MPW tools through one of the MPW emulators out there (though I don't know how well they work in practice)
I think an mpw emulator works great, but I haven't tried it in Linux.

It's slower, but usable. This example is a large resource fork:
time derez "Microsoft Office 2001/Microsoft Word" > /tmp/dereznative.txt
derez "Microsoft Office 2001/Microsoft Word" > /tmp/dereznative.txt  0.24s user 0.06s system 90% cpu 0.329 total

time mpw derez "Microsoft Office 2001/Microsoft Word" > /tmp/derezemulatedmpw.txt
mpw derez "Microsoft Office 2001/Microsoft Word" > /tmp/derezemulatedmpw.txt  80.44s user 5.57s system 97% cpu 1:27.79 total

ls -l@ "Microsoft Office 2001/Microsoft Word"
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 joevt  staff  7710912 Aug 14  2000 Microsoft Office 2001/Microsoft Word         32    2557833 

stat -f '%z' /tmp/derez*