An update on my Powerbook 145b. It has been saved.
1. I bought a Powerbook 145 on eBay 'as is, for parts', but it arrived in a 'bit' better shape than I thought apart from a latch button that had been knocked off. It booted but screen remained dark so thought I would practice my capacitor soldering. Well that went relatively well, but did not solve the problem.
2. I decided to use the 145 as a donor after all, and used its interconnect board and cable for my 145b and it worked! So many thanks for the guidance and initial expert suggestion from several that this was THE problem all along. That cable was stressed by my ignorance in its fragility. I am now so much more careful. What is interesting is that 60 wire interconnect cable going bad caused selective loss of only a few specific keys, making me think it was a keyboard. Keyboard replacement did not fix and in fact, as I unplugged and plugged the cable in trying to reseat the keyboard ribbon cable, I got to the point it would not even boot. I would have saved myself time, frustration and money if I had just replaced the interconnect board. Now I know.
3. I am confident in capacitor replacement so I will do that with this screen but not in a rush. I am savouring my small victory LOL.
Thanks again all.