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Modern 30pin SIMM Brands?


Well-known member
I know SE/30s are notoriously fussy about ram.. just want to make sure I buy the right stuff. Any concensus about what is currently on eBay or other places? Thanks.


Well-known member
Don't buy Keystron modules - I had issues with them and they wouldn't allow a refund despite me showing the modules didn't work.


Active member
I know SE/30s are notoriously fussy about ram.. just want to make sure I buy the right stuff. Any concensus about what is currently on eBay or other places? Thanks.
Thought about making your own?
These are 4MB modules but you can use larger capacity chips to build 16MB SIMMs with the same PCBs
I built 8 of these by sacrificing two 16MB 72 PIN SIMMs (FPM not EDO)
Cost of all parts was around $20 to build 8


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Brett B.

Well-known member
I'm pretty sure I've bought 30 pin SIMMs from 1-800-4-memory and memorymasters on eBay. Both legit sellers.


Active member
Home made ram works ;)


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Well-known member
If I got four 16mb SIMMS, the SE/30 will only see 8mb until I install Mode32 or swap out the ROM for something 32bit clean.

But it should boot with a normal SE/30 ROM and 16mb SIMMS, correct?


Well-known member
If I got four 16mb SIMMS, the SE/30 will only see 8mb until I install Mode32 or swap out the ROM for something 32bit clean.

But it should boot with a normal SE/30 ROM and 16mb SIMMS, correct?
It will boot fine, but it will look like the system is using all but about 7MB of RAM. MODE32 works really well, install it in the Control Panels folder, launch it and turn it on (no need to restart yet), then go to the Memory Control Panel and turn on 32bit, then restart. I think it does a double start thing first time :), but after that all your RAM is usable in System 7.

If you want 32bit in System 6, you need to install "Optima".


Well-known member
This is what I'm planning to get for an SE/30...anyone have any experience with it?

I bought them from that seller in the past. They are not low profile enough. Unless placed solely in the 4 rows closest to the ports at the back on the se/30, they will hit against a protrusion in the metal frame as you slide the logic board back in, and possibly break a RAM socket clip, as happened to me.


Well-known member
I'm pretty sure I've bought 30 pin SIMMs from 1-800-4-memory and memorymasters on eBay. Both legit sellers.
1-800-4-memory’s website appears to have disappeared. I don’t know if they are now selling their stock on eBay the way Memoryx did, or if someone else is using their name to sell their wares in eBay.

Brett B.

Well-known member
1-800-4-memory’s website appears to have disappeared. I don’t know if they are now selling their stock on eBay the way Memoryx did, or if someone else is using their name to sell their wares in eBay.
I seem to remember seeing something about that. Going out of business maybe, I don't recall exactly. They had a great inventory!


Well-known member
Apparently from what I read on another thread, 4x 16mb simms populating Bank A (Bank B empty) will result in Simasimac....Apparently when using 16mb simms bank B needs to be filled as well (though not necessarilly with 16mb simms specifically) ?

Anybody have any experiemce with this?

If this is correct, I'm hoping putting the original 4x 256k simms in Bank B will work.


Well-known member
I have had no issues with 8 of these inside 2 Macintosh SE/30 computers and 4 each inside two Macintosh IIsi computers. I heard of some people with issues of them hitting the Chassis inside a Mac SE/30. Perhaps there are different chassis versions, idk.


Well-known member
I have had no issues with 8 of these inside 2 Macintosh SE/30 computers and 4 each inside two Macintosh IIsi computers. I heard of some people with issues of them hitting the Chassis inside a Mac SE/30. Perhaps there are different chassis versions, idk.
ok thanks!


Well-known member
Thought about making your own?
These are 4MB modules but you can use larger capacity chips to build 16MB SIMMs with the same PCBs
I built 8 of these by sacrificing two 16MB 72 PIN SIMMs (FPM not EDO)
Cost of all parts was around $20 to build 8
Hey Chris,
I am VERY interested in this, as i have to make an order to JLCPCB soon, could you give me specifics as to which chips should I look for to make 16MB (or 8MB) each simms? There are some local vendors that have 72 pin 8 and 16MB sticks cheap and maybe I can salvage the chips from there, I just need to know which ones....