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Manual load internal floppy drive in Quadra 700?


Well-known member
I need to replace the internal floppy drive in my recently acquired Quadra 700. Given my lack of success sourcing an auto-loading floppy drive, I'm wondering if it's possible and/or useable to replace the drive with one of the newer manual drives. I wouldn't imagine ejecting a disk would be a problem, but perhaps insertion is a bit more difficult? Anyone with any experience with this or advice? Many thanks!



Well-known member
Will work, but you will be in trouble ejecting disks, as nothing is provided (IIRC) to do so in the Q700.



Well-known member
call up ted hodges, he has a pile of those auto injects…  usps first class international is pretty cheap.



Well-known member
I just read your post on another site-- take the guy's suggestions to clean and lubricate the drive and I bet it works fine.

Get yourself some isopropyl alcohol, white lithium grease and some q-tips and follow the directions here:


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Well-known member
White lithium can be evil when it dries up. I use 4in1 oil. Holds up fine, easy to clean and rejuvenate years later.



Well-known member
Alas, it seems the floppy drive mechanism is most definitely kaput. Thank you all for your suggestions. I gave it a full clean using some of the directed techniques, and reapplied grease to no avail. The drive continues operating poorly. I'll look into contacting Ted Hodges once I can find out his contact info. Many thanks once again!
