Local Craigslist has a 20 inch G5 iMac, 1.8 MHz, 2GB, 150 GB HD, OS 10.4.11, CS3 Suite, keyboard, mouse, original install disks. All for $600. Is that a decent price?
... only the ones that use coolant fluid. Most of them don't. My G5 has almost 5 years strong and the only failure so far was a weird brown pillow shaped capacitor in the power supply.
My mom has a used iMac G5 that runs fine. I think for any reasonably well used iMac G5s that capacitor plague would have been exposed by this point in time. Not all of them had the bad capacitors and sometimes Apple will still fix the problem for free if you bother them enough.
Thanks for all the replies. The same Craigslist had a MDD (2003) DP 1.25 for $350, which I think is a little high, but haven't done an eBay comparison.
Thanks for all the replies. The same Craigslist had a MDD (2003) DP 1.25 for $350, which I think is a little high, but haven't done an eBay comparison.
Local Craigslist has a 20 inch G5 iMac, 1.8 MHz, 2GB, 150 GB HD, OS 10.4.11, CS3 Suite, keyboard, mouse, original install disks. All for $600. Is that a decent price?