I've had a surprise surge of interest in these kits over the past month so I think that I should post an update.
I wrote a horribly long and overly detailed explanation of why this project has moved so slowly but it was totally over the top so I've decided to just boil it down to a more honest, concise form.
I care about this project a lot but I care about my life and happiness more. I underwent major surgery last year and two of my close friends have died in the last six months. I'm now on the mend and working on CircuitTalk again when I have the energy but my new job takes precedence, of course.
I am hoping to get some new PCBs in in April, test and distribute those, and then hand over production of these kits to more capable hands that will hopefully take care of the demand going forward.
Thank you so much for all of your interest, patience, and support. It really does motivate me to keep going.