Couple of days of bashing my head at this did actually get me results!
The eBay G4 card is actually an XLR8 MAChSpeed 400 G4, so that's pretty cool to know, even if it unfortunately doesn't work yet.
Now, I went in circles trying to figure out the cache SPD EEPROM out.
Had a few false starts, but eventually my own cache upgraded card started working, but I couldn't get it to report 1MB of cache in Gauge Pro.
The SPD EEPROM from the XLR8 did differ slightly, and they're both factory 233MHz G3 cards, so that did indicate
something was different.
However, I got a sneaking suspicion it needed the MAChSpeed Control Panel installed to get the full cache to work.
Well, yes, that was the case!
Now, I know that
@dosdude1 had tried editing the SPD EEPROM on his 1MB cache upgraded G4 Trayloader card, but couldn't get it to work.
He ended up using a Lombard SPD EEPROM dump instead, but that ran the cache at 5:2 at 400MHz CPU clock, and seemingly wouldn't let the system operate at higher CPU clocks.
So, with this software enabling the full cache instead of the SPD EEPROM doing the heavy lifting, would it be possible?
You do get some manual control over cache speed, so there should be more flexibility...
The answer is yes, this 466MHz XPC7400 will run at 500MHz, with the cache 2:1 at 250MHz, its rated speed.
I still hope to find out how to get the bus speed up to 100MHz if possible, as my attempts after soldering on a legitimate XPC106ARX100BG so far have failed to push it beyond 83MHz (still a nice bump though).
The XLR8 card has some cruddy solder joints on the cache chips that I can't seem to clear up with reflowing, so I might need to pull them entirely, clean the pads and resolder them.
Very cool progress, I hope to get OS X on this machine soon to do some further stress testing and GeekBenching
And as promised,
here's the SPD EEPROM dump from the XLR8 card.
I can't 100% say it's what makes MAChSpeed Control pick it up, but given
I dumped two other SPD EEPROMs from 233MHz cards, and they were identical to each other but not the XLR8, I would suspect it does.
You can always try downloading MSC from Macintosh Garden and seeing if after filling in the serial, it'll find the cache without an SPD EEPROM flash, but I suspect it wouldn't.
I can't imagine the differences between the dumps are not related to it.