Copy internal scsi drive to BlueSCSI


Well-known member
I'm trying to backup my internal hard disk of a Macintosh SE to a BlueSCSi card. I get the message:
You don't have the access privileges to see all of the items in Harddisk SE"; copy the visible ones?

How can I make the files "visable"? I want to copy the whole disk so I have a backup of all system stuff ( network card, etc)

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Well-known member
Can you use a backup utility program, instead of dragging and dropping the files? Maybe something like
Ah. Good idea. Will do. Would be great to have this disk backuped. I’m using it now for 33 years in row and it has a working SE network card configuration.

If anyone know how it is possible not to have access rights on certain parts of the disk? The answer is still nice to know!