I made some progress on my Color Classic. I was able to pick away the glue that was preventing me from adjusting the trimpot. I was then able to adjust it to get B+ to 71.0V. The resistances between the pot pins were 372, 372, and 0 ohms (previously the measurements were 517, 517, and 0 ohms). Obviously, I’m not able to determine the trimpot’s value in circuit. It’s likely a 1K pot, as YMK suggested.
At the new pot setting the raster distortion was reduced, but not completely. I raised B+ to 71.9V and got pretty good raster after some additional video adjustments on the back. Satisfied with the results, I put the CC back together switched on the AC. I saw a whisp of smoke, and immediately switched off line power. After that, the CC wouldn't boot. A few checks revealed no +12 and +5 voltages from the analog board. Oddly, I didn't see any signs of a burned component on the board. Did I do something wrong putting the CC back together? I don't know. I understand there's no schematic for the CC's AB, so it's going to be a challenge fixing it (sigh).