Apple IIe Enhanced RAM Error Help!

Mr. Macintosh

Active member
Hi there! I was wondering if anyone could help me with this particularly pesky problem of mine:

So I just recently got an Apple //e off of eBay and was super excited as it came with loads of software and stuff. After cosmetically cleaning it I decided to test and see if the Duodisk it came with worked. I hooked everything up, the computer made a startup beep and the Duodisk did it's clacky thing and the drive indicator light came on. After cleaning the Duodisk I inserted a ProDos floppy into the drive. The computer then displayed the ProDos splash screen and then went to "Relocation/Configuration Error" and the drive turned off.

I ran a self test (solid apple + control + reset) and I was met with a message saying "RAM 00000001"

I repeated this process several times, and the result is always the same. I am assuming this means one of the RAM chips is broken, but I have no idea which one.

If anyone could help me get this computer up and running I'd greatly appreciate it!



Well-known member
Ok, so, yeah, it's a motherboard issue. I'd examine the RAM chips and see if any look suspect... AFAIK, the 4164 chips may still be available new.




Active member
if you get lucky, the RAM is socketed, so just pull it and replace. If it's soldered... well, it could get painful.


Mr. Macintosh

Active member
I've thoroughly looked at all the RAM chips and even cleaned them a little with some alcohol and scrubbing. It doesn't seem like any of them are suspect cosmetically. And yeah, they are all soldered...


Mr. Macintosh

Active member
What would really help at this point I guess is to find out which RAM chip (f6-f13 I think) the "RAM 00000001" error is referring to.



Well-known member
If you buy one chip you can "piggy back" it one chip at a time and test and the problem should go away then you can replace.


Mr. Macintosh

Active member
That sounds like a really cool idea! I have an Applied Engineering RAMWORKS III that came with the computer, it's all socketed so could I pull a chip from there to test with? Also, how exactly do you "piggy back?"



Well-known member
I checked one 128 upgrade and it worked, I'm sure the IIe should also. Or at least cause a different issue on the correct bad chip.



Active member
So are you saying I can piggyback one of my 6342s on one of the 4264s?
actually, I've never seen or heard of a 6342 (nor can I find a datasheet for it.) so at the risk of offending, are you sure you read the numbers correctly?
