This is such a neat little product solving a real problem for the community! Thanks for making this available at a reasonable price. Just ordered a bunch for myself.
BTW, it'd be interesting too know if there are any particular Mac models (or other vintage machines) that are sensitive to the difference in voltage between your typical 1/2 AA lithium battery and a CR2032 (3.6V vs 3V), or other differences in electrical properties? Any experts here who would care to weigh in?
So here is the thing about batteries as the die... The lose voltage so a 1.5v A battery will start out at about 1.5-1.7v but over time go all the way down to say maybe .7v before many things are like I can't use this... This is why old flash lights get dimmer as the it's battery dies.
Now the same thing is true for Mac's and their batteries ... The upside is this that CR2032s are rechargeable and voltage should be applied to them when the system is on... In theory, but not all Cr2032s are rechargeable and not all macs through voltage at the battery.
Now as for if a mac likes the cr2032... I can say just about every mac I have used it on has been fine with that and there is good reason for that. The mac Can take anywhere from 4 or so volts down to like 2.3-2.7 volts before things get too strange for the clock and the saved stuff.
Lastly CR 2032s actually are 3.2-3.3v when they are brand new. The big drawback is a 1/2 AA battery will last a lot longer in a mac when it isn't used. but that is longer than the battery's life time IE upto16 Plus years, but you should never leave a 1/2 AA battery in that long. The CR 2032 should in theory last about 4-8 years though. This is more than enough for most people. The CR 2032 should be less likely to leak and be easier to clean if it does, without the board being damaged/ too damaged.
I hope this helps go a long way to answering your questions