some of the long-standing members here will remember reading topic.asp.TOPIC_ID=410.html
Where I outlined CRT discharging, and my mistakes doing it. (also available )
Well.... I wasn't discharging a CRT, but I WAS working with the mobo and analog/PowerSupply board of an iMac this past week.
My goal was to take an iMacs guts (sans CRT) and mount them in a cubby hole in my desk, creating a headless server (actually sharing the CRT of my G4, via a switch box)
Well, I had pluged it all in, and tried to turn it on, to no avail (I think a safety on the power supply board kicked over, form not being grounded.. not sure yet). So, I figure I'm going to have to work on it more, mounting it all differently, etc...
I grab the analog/powersupply board to move it...
I pulled my hand back, spinning my chair halfway round, as my heart races, and I break out into an immediate sweat.
I'd left the board plugged into the power strip... so it of COURSE still had power in it, even if the computer was off, and when 4 fingers made contact with multiple solder contacts on the board, the power zapped all thru my arm.
Boy did my fingers ache for a couple hours.
Don't so this. Be Smart. Unplug Stuff.
~Chaplain Marchie
Admin of The WonderLAN
~~"We are all Mad here"~~