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631 Posts |
Posted - 11 Aug 2002 : 09:04:27
Howdy, folks! I spent most of last night cleaning out my closet- a mammoth task, made even harder by the amount of cool stuff that I just wanted to sit and tinker with... Anyway, I've started a box of stuff that I've been planning on putting on eBay for a while now, but I thought I'd give you find folks a first shot. Granted, some of this stuff is post-68k, but macs is macs, right? Okay, here we go:
- Reply DOS-on-Mac card- This is a card for the PowerMac 61/71/8100 series computers (it fits in the PDS slot), featuring a 133(if I recall correctly) mHz 486DX, and a 72-pin SIMM slot (empty). If someone wants this, I do have a 32-meg SIMM for it, but you'll have to make a good offer... :-) Oh, and I can't say for certain that it would work in a PowerMac 6100, as this thing is pretty big... Anyway, I bought it on eBay a couple years ago, and had great fun playing with it, but I was frusterated by the lack of modern software support- this was before the PC Setup 2x software became free/shareware. With those drivers, this should make for a kick-ass card! Oh, and I think I still have the special cable somewhere...
- This is a rather interesting item- a RastorOps "24L" NuBus video card, along with an "Accelerator Board II", which, from what little info I can find, is an early QuickDraw accelerator. These were pulled from a working (I presume) Mac IIfx at that recent school surplus sale where I picked up that PowerMac 6500... Anyway, the video card seems to have the full amount of RAM (though I don't know how much the total amount of RAM is). LowEndMac has a page devoted to this card, but they don't even mention the Accelerator Board (rare item?). Here's that link:
- Also up for grabs is an "Apple Macintosh II Video Card", which was also pulled from a Mac IIfx. It looks just like my Toby Framebuffer card, but doesn't actually say Toby anywhere... Anyway, all the RAM sockets are full, so this might be of use to someone.
- Next we've got another DOS card (I love these things), this one a pull from a PowerMac 6100. Again going from memory, it's a 66 mHz 486, with a single (empty) SIMM slot (taking up to 32 megs). I don't think I have the special cable for this one, but they do pop up on eBay every now-and-then. It does have the (semi-rare) 'right-angle adapter', so it can fit in the 6100 by laying sideways. Oh, and this one has the "SoundBlaster" expansion card! Wheeeee!!! Perhaps the coolest thing about this card is that, due to the hybred nature of the early PowerMac's (they seem to have used a lot of the guts of the later 68k machines), it will work in any(?) mac with a 68040 PDS slot! Please see this link for a great description of both this card and all the other 68k Macs it'll work in:
- Lets see... As much as I love it, I'm willing to let go of HAL-9000, my Quadra 950. Since he's such a monster, shipping would be a serious cost problem, so just email me or post here if you're really interested...
- I've got two working PowerMac 7600/132's that need a good home... They're both in need of working power supplies, but other then that, they're in great shape. No RAM in either, but I'm pretty sure they've got at least a small hard drive, floppy, and 8x or 12x CD-ROM drives. The coolest thing about these Macs is just how easy it is to upgrade the CPU, since it's on a card that you can just yank and replace. Really great case design!
- I'm also gonna let go of what used to be my main Mac- my beloved PowerMac 7100/G3-266. I'm willing to part this one out, but it would be nice to sell it as a whole unit... Anyway, it's got 88 megs of RAM, two or three NuBus video cards, that (semi-)hard-to-find 'pigtail' video cable adapter (lets you use a standard Mac screen w/ onboard video), and a floppy drive. I'm sure the part everyone would be interested in is the G3 card- it's a Sonnet Tech. G3 card, it fits in the PDS slot (also works in a 6100 or 8100). It runs at 266 mHz, and has 512k cache memory. I bought this new from Sonnet a couple years back, and I was astounded at how much of an improvement it made. Really, you can look at all the speed-comparison charts you want, but until you sit down and use this thing for the first time, you just won't know how great it is! Other then my 4-button 'Thinking Mouse', this is the single best computer product I've ever used. Really, A+, ***** (five-star), top-grade item. I've got the box, all the manuals, etc, and the card itself is in mint condition. Perhaps best of all, it's got that great-big purple heatsink Sonnet is so fond of!

- I've also still got that external SCSI CD-RW drive that I posted about here a while ago... If I remember, it's an APS drive, runs at 4(write)x2(re-write)x8(read), and is just an all-around great burner! I had a lot of fun making mix CD's and, err, making 'back up' copies of the best PlayStation games from the shop I used to work at... Ahh, good times....
Okay, that's about all I can think of right now- I've got a bunch of other stuff, but this is about all the Mac-related things I'm parting with.... for the moment..... <insert evil laugh here> So, if you're interested in any of these things, post here or drop me a line: huckdunsany-@-hotmail.-com (please remove the "-"s to reply!). I'm hoping to raise some cash, but, as a gadget junkie, I'm always interested in trades... I'm esp. looking for stuff to put in that PowerMac 6500 that I'm beefing up right now- I'm really in need of a large IDE hard drive for it, along with a fast(er) PCI video card, the TV/FM tuner card, USB/FireWire card, and, uh, any other cool crap I can stick in there! So, now it's your turn: go rummage through your closet and see what you don't realllly need anymore!
        Thanks! SpaceBoy AppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD" |
Full Member
613 Posts |
Posted - 11 Aug 2002 : 12:50:37
heh. funnee. how much do you want for tha burner, because I am needing one that will burn playstation games, because my IDE hewlett crappard won't burn "multivolume XA" which is, I assume, the format in which PSX games are written in (I have no clue about this sort of thing) and if you could get me the software that will do the -ahem- backing up, because toast seems to be a problem too, and I need an external burner, so I can make room in my AIO beige G3 for the DVD reader (that my music teacher does not want anymore, and wants to give it to me! using the power of the dark side... -<insert evil maniacal laughter here>-ThnX "play roller coaster tycoon! NOW!" 
2899 Posts |
Posted - 11 Aug 2002 : 13:11:04
[list]Reply DOS-on-Mac card- This is a card for the PowerMac 61/71/8100 series computers (it fits in the PDS slot), featuring a 133(if I recall correctly) mHz 486DX, and a 72-pin SIMM slot (empty). If someone wants this, I do have a 32-meg SIMM for it, but you'll have to make a good offer... :-) Oh, and I can't say for certain that it would work in a PowerMac 6100, as this thing is pretty big... Anyway, I bought it on eBay a couple years ago, and had great fun playing with it, but I was frusterated by the lack of modern software support- this was before the PC Setup 2x software became free/shareware. With those drivers, this should make for a kick-ass card! Oh, and I think I still have the special cable somewhere... RAM sockets are full, so this might be of use to someone. Next we've got another DOS card (I love these things), this one a pull from a PowerMac 6100. Again going from memory, it's a 66 mHz 486, with a single (empty) SIMM slot (taking up to 32 megs). I don't think I have the special cable for this one, but they do pop up on eBay every now-and-then. It does have the (semi-rare) 'right-angle adapter', so it can fit in the 6100 by laying sideways. Oh, and this one has the "SoundBlaster" expansion card! Wheeeee!!! Perhaps the coolest thing about this card is that, due to the hybred nature of the early PowerMac's (they seem to have used a lot of the guts of the later 68k machines), it will work in any(?) mac with a 68040 PDS slot! Please see this link for a great description of both this card and all the other 68k Macs it'll work in: [/*]
great link! i've got the same card as in this in this piccie: but i'm afraid to try it. several of the pins are bridged together on the smaller "Chips" IC by the solder connecting a blue patch wire to the pin in the bottom right corner (as you are reading the legend) of the IC. does yours have a patch like this? looks like it might have been modified at the factory to pull several signals to ground, dunno, could you give yours a look to check? if it does, i'll take a shot of mine and email it to you for comparison. will the 72 Pin double sided SIMM on mine work on a 605/475 or a 630 and is it interchangeable with the SIMM on your Reply Card? it's really annoying that i have one 32 Meg 72 pin SIMM that'll work on some macs and not on others, same deal with one pair of VRAM SIMMS, i've got no idea why, unless they're banked differently! =8-/ i have what i think is half a Reply DOS-on-Mac card for theLC Slot in the 5XXX/6XXX road apple PPC's on the way from eBay, does this look anything like your card? if it does, is there any chance you've got documentation for the pinouts of the special DB-15 (or is it an HD-25?) to VGA/Game Port adapter cable? (or a continuity tester to buz out the connections? ) that's the same sound card as on the 630 DOS Compatibility card, correct? is the CPU opn your reply card on the card with the PDS connector or the daughtercard? how much are you asking for the Reply card, btw? jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 11 Aug 2002 13:12:44 |
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 11 Aug 2002 : 16:40:45
Boredom, have you tried ripping with Astarte CD copy amd then burning as a regular iso?Err, I have a feeling this is bordering on the board rules... If you have aim you can IM me at cyberwuf24. 
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 11 Aug 2002 : 19:20:27
What would you take just for the G3 upgrade in the 7100? Thanks!Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:22 My Death Journal |
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613 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 01:08:26
and what would you take fer the burner, becuase I'm needing a burner, and I also need room for the IDE DVD reader (and eventually superdrive... can you plop a superdrive into a beige G3 AIO (SCSI and IDE Bay-bee!)) does... hmmm.. 10-20$ CAN sound... uh... reletively reasonable? I don't think it's worth much than that, but, as I've said before, I'm no appraisal guy.THnx "once I reach hardware shutdown, you ain't seein' me till' 5-5:30 next afternoon!" 
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631 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 09:08:08
Okay, lemme start... First, boredomconquersall-
quote: heh. funnee. how much do you want for tha burner, because I am needing one that will burn playstation games, because my IDE hewlett crappard won't burn "multivolume XA" which is, I assume, the format in which PSX games are written in (I have no clue about this sort of thing) and if you could get me the software that will do the -ahem- backing up, because toast seems to be a problem too, and I need an external burner
I don't know why your drive won't burn PSX games- if it's fairly modern, then Toast should do it just fine... I haven't done it for at least 1.5 years, but I'm pretty sure I was using Toast 4.x with few problems. I'm not sure if you really need my drive, or if you're just looking for the right software for the drive you already have... maybe you can clarify?Trash80- The pic you have looks a lot like my card, but I can't say for sure until I've got my card right here for comparison (I'm at school). I'll be happy to check when I get home later today. As for the RAM stuff, I really don't know. I don't think I ever for the whole Mac RAM thing figured out- my tekneek always involved more trial-and-error then knowing exactly which type for which Mac. Finally, my Reply card looks nothing like the one in that second link you provided- that's one heck of an odd looking card! Must be for one of those really cramped enclosures, I figure. Anyway, while your card looks nothing like mine, I can say for sure that it's highly unlikely that the connector is DB-15 or HD-25 - I'm guessing the seller just doesn't know what it is. On both of my cards (the Reply for 7100 and the Apple for 6100), the connector is kinda... strange. It's in the shape of a DB-15, but it's got three rows of pinholes, in a sorta staggered configuration. Hope this helps... As for the Reply card, I was hoping to get around $40 or $50 (w/o the RAM) for it- I certainly paid a lot more then that when I bought it, but that was a while back... Anyway lemme know if you're still interested... TiMacLover- quote: What would you take just for the G3 upgrade in the 7100? Thanks!
I dunno- I've seen 'em go as high as $180 on eBay recently... How 'bout $150? Remember, it is mint, in the box, etc. I know this is a little pricey, but I really think it's worth it!     boredomconquersall (part duex!)-
quote: and what would you take fer the burner, becuase I'm needing a burner, and I also need room for the IDE DVD reader (and eventually superdrive... can you plop a superdrive into a beige G3 AIO (SCSI and IDE Bay-bee!)) does... hmmm.. 10-20$ CAN sound... uh... reletively reasonable? I don't think it's worth much than that, but, as I've said before, I'm no appraisal guy
Hmmm... Well, I'm hoping to get a little more then that for the burner... Like, maybe closer to $40 or $50 US...Okay, that's all for now, folks! And please remember, I'm still looking for cool trades! I could reeeeeaaaaalllllly use a USB-to-Serial cable... hint hint...  SpaceBoy PS If anyone out there is interested in new 'classic-sounding' rock, check out a band called "The White Stripes"!!! My roommate just lent me their CD, and it totally rocks! ***** <--five stars AppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD" |
Junior Member

193 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 09:32:42
Boredom- Check these forums for info on PSX: www.cdrom-guide.comThere's a specific Mac forum there, look for PS24LIFE's burning guide, it's quite good.

2899 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 14:39:14
The pic you have looks a lot like my card, but I can't say for sure until I've got my card right here for comparison (I'm at school). I'll be happy to check when I get home later today.
that's a direct link to the same pic on the link you posted, it's just full size in my link and scaled down on the page in your link.
As for the RAM stuff, I really don't know. I don't think I ever for the whole Mac RAM thing figured out- my tekneek always involved more trial-and-error then knowing exactly which type for which Mac.
i'm exactly the same way, i think my 32 Meg SIMM that doesn't work on my 605 is set up as two banks of memory, i should decipher LEM's info, i just thought i'd ask if you'd tried yours in a mac yet?
Finally, my Reply card looks nothing like the one in that second link you provided- that's one heck of an odd looking card! Must be for one of those really cramped enclosures, I figure. Anyway, while your card looks nothing like mine . . .
i think this is what mine is probably the bottom half of: the text is in the last post of this thread: topic.asp.TOPIC_ID=2297.html
I can say for sure that it's highly unlikely that the connector is DB-15 or HD-25 - I'm guessing the seller just doesn't know what it is. On both of my cards (the Reply for 7100 and the Apple for 6100), the connector is kinda... strange. It's in the shape of a DB-15, but it's got three rows of pinholes, in a sorta staggered configuration. Hope this helps...
yup, it seems to be called an HD-26, it's just like the floppy interface connector on the Apple IIe Card for the LC it used the same D-Sub Shell as the DB-15 and adds an extra row of 9 pins and an extra contact to the original rows for a total of 26 signals and shell ground.
As for the Reply card, I was hoping to get around $40 or $50 (w/o the RAM) for it- I certainly paid a lot more then that when I bought it, but that was a while back... Anyway lemme know if you're still interested...
Dunno, i'd like to try to get the ones i have up and running first. if you could check out the patch wire situation on the Apple 1600 Card that you linked to and point me to pinouts or buz the connections on your cable i'd really appreciate it!jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 12 Aug 2002 14:41:00 |
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506 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2002 : 13:44:45
How much do you want for one of the 7600's and the CD-RW drive?Wonko The Sane Engineer-in-training 3 Macs Liberated "You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool."- Wonko The Sane |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2002 : 16:02:12
my Reply card looks nothing like the one in that second link you provided- that's one heck of an odd looking card! Must be for one of those really cramped enclosures, I figure. Anyway, while your card looks nothing like mine, I can say for sure that it's highly unlikely that the connector is DB-15 or HD-25 - I'm guessing the seller just doesn't know what it is. On both of my cards (the Reply for 7100 and the Apple for 6100), the connector is kinda... strange. It's in the shape of a DB-15, but it's got three rows of pinholes, in a sorta staggered configuration. Hope this helps...
guess what? it's a freakin' DB-15! now i've got no idea where to find pinouts!!!! BLEH! but it's definitely a Reply DOSonMac Card for a 6200/630 etc!if you could let me know what they are for the HD-26 cable for my other one and whether or not yours has a similar patch i'd appreciate it! TIA jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
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631 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2002 : 18:44:28
Okay, to make this official, both 7600's are spoken for (sorry, Wonk!) As for the CD-RW, I'm hoping to get in the $40 to $50 range for it, but I'm prob. gonna just put it on eBay over the weekend, along with most of this other stuff (and a ton of other random jun-, err, fine merchandise).    quote: guess what? it's a freakin' DB-15! now i've got no idea where to find pinouts!!!! BLEH! but it's definitely a Reply DOSonMac Card for a 6200/630 etc! if you could let me know what they are for the HD-26 cable for my other one and whether or not yours has a similar patch i'd appreciate it!
Inteeeeerrrresting.... I don't know what to say- I assumed that it would be similar to my DOS-on-Mac cards, but I guess it aint. Go figure, huh? I'll see about my card tonight. Later, folks! SpaceBoyAppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD" Edited by - SpaceBoy on 13 Aug 2002 18:58:00 |
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631 Posts |
Posted - 14 Aug 2002 : 08:39:09
Hey Trash- quote: but i'm afraid to try it. several of the pins are bridged together on the smaller "Chips" IC by the solder connecting a blue patch wire to the pin in the bottom right corner (as you are reading the legend) of the IC. does yours have a patch like this? looks like it might have been modified at the factory to pull several signals to ground, dunno, could you give yours a look to check? if it does, i'll take a shot of mine and email it to you for comparison.
Well, I finally got a look at my card, and I see no patch like you've got on your card on mine. I don't know if this is good or bad for you, but I say, hell, if it works then don't worry about it!  Later, folks! SpaceBoyAppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD" |
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631 Posts |
Posted - 14 Aug 2002 : 17:15:11
Oh, I almost forgot- I'm in (increasingly) desperate need of a USB keyboard and mouse, for that (now imfamous) $36 iMac. I'm giving the iMac to my mom and sister in CO, but I don't have a keyboard or mouse for it. I'd love to get the 'blueberry' KB and mouse, but I'm not picky, so lemme know whatcha got!
 SpaceBoyAppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD" |
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