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Junior Member

394 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jun 2002 : 15:13:04
I don't suppose anyone has some IIfx RAM (64-pin, in groups of 4, not 1MB) they'd like to part with for short money..../Mr Lynn Curator of: SE (6.0.4), SE w. 020 accelerator (6.0.8), SE w. no HD, IIfx (7.1), IIci (bad HD); plus various PPCs in family (blue G3/350 is main Mac these days). |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jun 2002 : 19:14:36
Always try eBay{ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jun 2002 : 19:18:10
Always try eBay
i've yet to see fx RAM on eBay in the 2 or 3 months i've been looking!jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Junior Member

344 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jun 2002 : 21:05:50
I need a IIfx mobo, so I can use my 16 megs worth of IIfx ram  Artillery Commander/Engineer, 68kMLA Liberated: LCII , III+ IIci Quadra 700 (w/contraband card), 800, and 840av P550, 410 Contraband: Beige G3/300 MT o/c 400mhz (2) 6100's Keeper of the 68kmla Hotline mirror server:
2899 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jun 2002 : 23:01:14 ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Junior Member

394 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jun 2002 : 19:22:35
Not clear whether that is one 4-MB module, or what. (IIfx RAM has to be installed in groups of four). I queried them. Thanks./Mr Lynn Curator of: SE (6.0.4), SE w. 020 accelerator (6.0.8), SE w. no HD, IIfx (7.1), IIci (bad HD); plus various PPCs in family (blue G3/350 is main Mac these days). |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jun 2002 : 21:01:50
Not clear whether that is one 4-MB module, or what. (IIfx RAM has to be installed in groups of four). I queried them. Thanks.
nopro! that's the lower of only two prices i found, shop around, there can't be all that much demand for the stuff YET! if you find anything bigger, let me know! i also need one of the special external terminators, i haven't even looked for one is a link to the thread with some shots of the work in progress (on hold atm) on mine: topic.asp.TOPIC_ID=1041.html jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Junior Member

394 Posts |
Posted - 18 Jun 2002 : 15:52:52
Satech says they are 4MB sticks at $6/ea. That's the cheapest I've seen, after a Google search. and apparently had 16MB modules but they've been discontinued; there were 8MBs available at one time, but have disappeared.The reason for the high price, as you doubtless know, is that the IIfx uses unique RAM (64-pin), so it's rare. Same with that black terminator (I have only one, unfortunately). It was a weird beast. Eight 4MB modules would be $48, a lot for a box that I have no real use for (but 48MB times RAMdoubler would be 96MB! I think the maximum for the IIfx was 128MB). If anyone's got some IIfx 4 (or higher) MB RAM they want to TRADE, I've got: a IIci CPU with a bad HD (but ran fine otherwise the last time I used it); also two Stylewriter 4100 inkjet printers (one whole, one in pieces), that I'd like to move out; also an Epson Stylus Color 600 inkjet printer that my son dropped a penny in and bent some spring, so he couldn't get it working again; For computer historians, I've also got a Tandy 1000EX and monitor sitting in the basement. It uses 5.25" floppies; I'll include some games (amaze your friends with the obsessive/compulsive treat, Marble Madness!). If any of you want to BUY these items, make an offer. /Mr Lynn Curator of: SE (6.0.4), SE w. 020 accelerator (6.0.8), SE w. no HD, IIfx (7.1), IIci (bad HD); plus various PPCs in family (blue G3/350 is main Mac these days). |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 18 Jun 2002 : 16:16:22
I have eight IIfx RAM SIMMs for sale! I'm not sure what the capacity of them is, but I'll find out later tonight. I'm almost positive that at least four of them are 16MB SIMMs, though. Check out my thread in the trading post for updates!
666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 I Have No Legs! Edited by - cinemafia on 18 Jun 2002 16:18:20 |
Junior Member

394 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jun 2002 : 04:33:39
Right now my IIfx has only got 8 1-MB simms in it (seemed like a lot, back in 1992!), so the 16s would definitely be an improvement. I'd like to get the IIfx on the Internet, so a little more RAM would help, if you don't want too much for it. Let me know./Mr Lynn <> Curator of: SE (6.0.4), SE w. 020 accelerator (6.0.8), SE w. no HD, IIfx (7.1), IIci (bad HD); plus various PPCs in family (blue G3/350 is main Mac these days). Edited by - mrlynn on 19 Jun 2002 12:01:46 |
Junior Member

394 Posts |
Posted - 22 Jun 2002 : 15:08:59
cinemafia wrote: quote:
I have eight IIfx RAM SIMMs for sale! I'm not sure what the capacity of them is, but I'll find out later tonight. I'm almost positive that at least four of them are 16MB SIMMs, though. Check out my thread in the trading post for updates!
Did you ever find out? /Mr Lynn Curator of: SE (6.0.4), SE w. 020 accelerator (6.0.8), SE w. no HD, IIfx (7.1), IIci (bad HD); plus various PPCs in family (blue G3/350 is main Mac these days). |
Full Member
613 Posts |
Posted - 06 Jul 2002 : 15:11:35
hey. two things... I have 1 16MB chip for the FX and (as stated in another article that you asked me about) I know somwone who has a lot of that sort of RAM. do you still have that macintosh CI and that stylewriter? I am trying to collect donations for our school (so we can have a nice load of macintoshes for next year!) but I would be willing to give you the 16MB chip and some money for em'do you want to hear the looong rambling story behind me getting stuck holding onto all these macs during the summer? (poor me...) And... if anyone else wants to donate their old macintosh (any model, doesnt matter, I plan on putting the really old ones in the 1-2 classes for old educational games) I would prefer if you pay the shipping, but it's nagotiable. thnx "Boo Yah!"

Junior Member

394 Posts |
Posted - 07 Jul 2002 : 07:01:07
Yes, everything listed above is available (bear in mind that the IIci needs an HD, and I don't know if the StyleWriter works).I wouldn't mind donating to a school, but shipping to Canada could be pricey. Let's talk further. IIfx RAM has to be installed in groups of four, so one 16-MB SIMM won't do much good unless I can find three more. /Mr Lynn Curator of: SE (6.0.4), SE w. 020 accelerator (6.0.8), SE w. no HD, IIfx (7.1), IIci (bad HD); plus various PPCs in family (blue G3/350 is main Mac these days). |
Full Member
613 Posts |
Posted - 07 Jul 2002 : 19:20:13
yeah... i contacted that guy, and found out he is selling IIFX ram for CHEEP (10$can for 16mb!) if you wouldnt mind paying the shipping... it would make my life alot easier... it shouldnt be all that expensive. i'm haveing 2 macintosh portables sent up here insured, air mail, and it only cost me 20 dollars USD! do you know anyone else who has a lot of old macs that they would be willing to donate to a school? just a thought... BTW, do you know any good educational games that would run on a mac 128k or 512k?THnx "why do you vibrate like that? vitamin dificcency i bet..." 
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 08 Jul 2002 : 09:11:56
Update: I still don't know what's in my IIfx. I finally made a System 7.0.1 boot disk so I could boot the IIfx up and find out, but I just didn't get around to it. I've been so busy setting up my LAN I just haven't made time...damn me! I will seriously try to find out tonight!!  666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 I Have No Legs! |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 08 Jul 2002 : 16:07:05 4 meg Simms for LW IIg, should be same for IIfx, IIRC no bids, min bid 17.95 buy now 18.95 3 hrs 20 min to go. jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Full Member
613 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jul 2002 : 13:34:14
hey, mr lynn... I havnt heard from you... should we continue this Via Email? one question about the IIci... does it have it's ROM simm? I have an IIsi (which I just happened to get because it was "broken"; turns out all it was was the power button on the back was twisted in so nobody could turn it on (or knew how to use an apple computer!) also came wif a stylewriter II, witch was the first inkjet printer I ever used, so happy joy I got the computer I used at my school, back when they were smart enough to have a couple, and back when i wasnt an insane programmer... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHA oh no i'm babbling) -ahem- back to buisness, I have an IIsi which is missing it's ROM simm, so I cant get it to boot up under OS8.1 (which if your creative about it, will work so dont start yelling about "oooh! it cant be done" because I have done it, on an SE30 with swiched ROM simms with an IIci, mind you so ) ok this is going on too long and I shouldnt be eating mocha caramel icecream for brekfast"do you think 5 scoops of coffe is too much?" THNNNX!! 
Junior Member

394 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jul 2002 : 20:43:20
Trash80: As we discussed off-forum, that RAM wasn't for the IIfx.boredomconquersall: Sorry for the delay in responding (wish I had time to be bored). I got a sortof reply from the macpower guy, but all he said was, "What city are you in I do have some Ram... " So I told him, and wait. The one 16MB chip you have won't help much without three more (the IIfx wants groups of four). And cinemafia keeps telling me he's going to fire up HIS IIfx.... So what is this school you want donations for? Do you work there? I'm a little apprehensive about cannibalizing the ROMs out of my IIci and putting them in a IIsi. I don't doubt your word that it can be done, but it seems a shame to basically destroy the IIci, when all it wants is a better HD--it's the purist in me, I guess. I don't have any similar reservations about the StyleWriter 4100, but I'd like someone to cover my shipping (both the intact one and the one in pieces--it's a project just boxing up the things). Re games. We have some going back to the original Dark Castle (won't run under >6.0.4) and Crystal Quest (won't run under MultiFinder), and then some color ones the kids used when the IIci was our household computer: Vette, SimAnt, a bunch of others. I'd have to clear sending original stuff with the kids (now in college or beyond), but I can send or upload copies of the old System 6 games (they were pirates, anyway). Education software--not much, except Mavis Beacon--oh, and... what's her name? historical trivia games (if anyone's interested, I'll go and look up titles). Little kids' games: that was in the Tandy era, on 5.25" floppies. You can have the computer AND the games: Marble Madness, Mickey's Space Adventure, stuff like that. Now, what's *really* in that 'coffee' you're drinking?  /Mr Lynn Curator of: SE (6.0.4), SE w. 020 accelerator (6.0.8), SE w. no HD, IIfx (7.1), IIci (bad HD); plus various PPCs in family (blue G3/350 is main Mac these days). |
Full Member
613 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jul 2002 : 23:41:08
do you live in canada? if you could send me a money order, I could get the RAM for you and I could send it Via fed ex or something.. I will pay the shipping, and the school being donated to would be in fact my school, where I will be setting a small lab up! (6 or 7 macs on the corner of the main PC lab is all I could nigotiate, but I will be patitioning for more; every 4 signatures gets one more mac) those games are great! if you could send me them in the same box as the IIci, the printers and the money order, that would be great! THNx "doo the moo32!" *note the moo32 was my friends 32 bit commadore 64 (yes 32 bit) that he modified

Full Member
613 Posts |
Posted - 11 Jul 2002 : 15:57:09
So what is this school you want donations for? Do you work there? I'm a little apprehensive about cannibalizing the ROMs out of my IIci and putting them in a IIsi. I don't doubt your word that it can be done, but it seems a shame to basically destroy the IIci, when all it wants is a better HD--it's the purist in me, I guess.
I wouldnt be taking the roms out of the IIci (the IIci kicks @$$!) I plan on getting the roms from someone else, so dont worry, I wont offend that purist... *snicker*  thnX "burfy KILL YOU!!!"

Full Member
613 Posts |
Posted - 12 Jul 2002 : 22:34:48
uhhhh.... mrlynn? U there? I kinda need some acnowlagment of your presence in this corpral state, because you havnt posted here ina while... just a thought.tHnx "it's bloody hot! look! someone is having a barbicue on their car's hood" *note I did in fact see someone making a steak on their car hood last year when the tempriture reached 41 
Junior Member

394 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jul 2002 : 07:17:47
boredomconquersall: Apologies for the delay; I've been too busy for forum-surfing (and should be working now).Anyway, I've decided to hang onto the IIci for the time being. I can still ship the Stylewriter 4100s, but will require payment for shipping in advance. I'm in the States. I'd be willing to pay something (but not much) for IIfx RAM, IF it really exists and IF it is really for the IIfx (unique 64-pin SIMMs) and IF it is >1MB (4, 8, or 16MB, in groups of four sticks), and IF it is guaranteed to work. The contact you referred me to asked a couple of questions, then vanished. Will e-mail a couple of System 6 games when I get a chance. cinemafia: ??? /Mr Lynn Curator of: SE (6.0.4), SE w. 020 accelerator (6.0.8), SE w. no HD, IIfx (7.1), IIci (bad HD); plus various PPCs in family (blue G3/350 is main Mac these days). |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jul 2002 : 08:06:24
Still haven't figured out what kind of RAM is in my am I slow. I've just been really busy with lots of other things. I'm almost positive that I have four 16MB SIMMs and four 1MB SIMMs, though.666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 I Have No Legs! |
Junior Member

394 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jul 2002 : 09:13:14
Still haven't figured out what kind of RAM is in my am I slow. I've just been really busy with lots of other things.
Insert system disk. Start computer. Go to 'About this Macintosh' Read amount of RAM. Shut down computer. Report here. Time: c. 5 min. Thanks! /Mr Lynn Curator of: SE (6.0.4), SE w. 020 accelerator (6.0.8), SE w. no HD, IIfx (7.1), IIci (bad HD); plus various PPCs in family (blue G3/350 is main Mac these days). |
Junior Member

196 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jul 2002 : 10:01:35
Considering how long this thread has been going on, I'm ready to make a deal...I've got a IIfx motherboard and 20mb of RAM from an IIx upgrade which I will probably never get to. Working, just needs PRAM batteries. If someone (Mr. Lynn or other) wants to make me a reasonable offer or toss me some kind of interesting/useful Mac-related item, it's all yours. <<<John>>> 
Junior Member

394 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jul 2002 : 10:53:28
John: I might be interested in the motherboard, to keep as a spare. If the RAM is from a IIx, though, it won't work in a IIfx, which requires unique 64-pin SIMMs./Mr Lynn Curator of: SE (6.0.4), SE w. 020 accelerator (6.0.8), SE w. no HD, IIfx (7.1), IIci (bad HD); plus various PPCs in family (blue G3/350 is main Mac these days). |
Junior Member

196 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jul 2002 : 11:57:12
John: I might be interested in the motherboard, to keep as a spare. If the RAM is from a IIx, though, it won't work in a IIfx, which requires unique 64-pin SIMMs.
No, the RAM is IIfx (64-pin RAM), 4x4mb and 4x1mb. I had, at one point, planned to swap the whole pile into a spare IIx which I have, but have decided I will probably never get to that point. <<<john>>> 
Junior Member

394 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jul 2002 : 05:44:51
If someone (Mr. Lynn or other) wants to make me a reasonable offer or toss me some kind of interesting/useful Mac-related item, it's all yours.
Well, let's see: How about an item of GMHI (Great Mac-Historical Interest)? It's a 1986 product, still in the original box, with manual, called Laserstart, from Softstyle in Honolulu. "Marry a LaserJet to your Macintosh" advertises Laserstart. Inside we learn that, "The Macintosh computer uses special software called printer drivers to support printing. However, the standard Macintosh printer drivers support only the Apple Imagewriter. They do not support the popular HP LaserJet printer. Laserstart will quickly modify the printer drivers to support it. Laserstart will also reverse the process." The package contains a software diskette, a cable (9-pin oval to 25-pin--when did the Mac switch to the round printer port? with the SE?), and the manual. It was never used. For the first year I had a Mac, I had to run to a copy shop to get laser prints--the printers were too expensive. Failing this choice item, how much would you want for the board and RAM? If cinemafia ever figures out whether he has the 16MB modules, I could add your 4MBs to them to get me up to 80MB. Imagine if I had had that much back in 1992! /Mr Lynn Curator of: SE (6.0.4), SE w. 020 accelerator (6.0.8), SE w. no HD, IIfx (7.1), IIci (bad HD); plus various PPCs in family (blue G3/350 is main Mac these days). |