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Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 30 Mar 2002 : 19:17:25
So this one's a bit negative - but look at it in a constructive way. In the context of 68k's mostly - where have apple consistently -sucked-?. What have they done time after time, that just doesn't work for you. Either mistakes in judgment by designers, managers, software authors within the company... or even simply parts of the apple way-of-thinking.personally, not having me work for them is one :) dana |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 30 Mar 2002 : 19:35:26
So this one's a bit negative - but look at it in a constructive way. In the context of 68k's mostly - where have apple consistently -sucked-?. What have they done time after time, that just doesn't work for you. Either mistakes in judgment by designers, managers, software authors within the company... or even simply parts of the apple way-of-thinking.
this one is easy for me, i just did two postings that point out cupertino's shortcomings from my perspective. their boxes NEVER have adequate room for expansion or enough power to run a maxed system without stressing the PSU. making products like this necessary. when they do come up with an elegant design, it's NEVER elegant all the way thru, they're constantly reinventing the wheel, when they have a good idea, they do it up too prettily and are copied and then outdone almost immediately and at a lower cost by the pc world. topic.asp.TOPIC_ID=1019.html slots/bays/pixels rule! *and maybe watts!* jt ™

Junior Member

308 Posts |
Posted - 31 Mar 2002 : 07:27:02
How about their handling of Hypercard in recent years. I wish they would make a new version (or at least sell the code to someone so they could make a new version).AnubisTTP 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:15 |
Full Member
506 Posts |
Posted - 31 Mar 2002 : 11:39:35
<nonsensical ramble> I've always thought that upgradability in Jobs-era macs is very disappointing. I would like to be able to simply (and cheaply) replace an imac's motherboard with something faster, like I can do with a PC. Building a mac (not just buying an old mac and upgrading it, but building a mac as one would build a PC) would be nice too, but that seems to go against Apple's philosophy, especially now. (Though I think I can do it.....there is a company that makes PPC mobos, but without mac ROMs, of course.) Making macs more like PCs detract from their overall uniqueness and the entire Macintosh experience, but it would make them so much cheaper! DuoDocks are another issue.....their power supplies really suck. </nonsensical ramble> Wonko The Sane Engineer-in-training 3 Macs Liberated "You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool."- Wonko The Sane
2899 Posts |
Posted - 31 Mar 2002 : 15:46:15
<nonsensical ramble> (Though I think I can do it.....there is a company that makes PPC mobos, but without mac ROMs, of course.) DuoDocks are another issue.....their power supplies really suck. </nonsensical ramble>
which company?DuoDocks are fine if you upgrade a $.99 capacitor (?), except for the part about ALL Apple PSU's being substandard output nonstandardised, stupidly designed expensive custom parts that are prone to failure.  jt ™

Full Member
506 Posts |
Posted - 31 Mar 2002 : 16:00:37
which company?
Eyetech. The Slashdot story is here
quote: DuoDocks are fine if you upgrade a $.99 capacitor (?), except for the part about ALL Apple PSU's being substandard output nonstandardised, stupidly designed expensive custom parts that are prone to failure. 
Yeah, I meant Apple's Duodocks. What's that about upgrading the capacitator?Wonko The Sane Engineer-in-training 3 Macs Liberated "You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool."- Wonko The Sane |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 31 Mar 2002 : 16:12:09
which company?
Eyetech. The Slashdot story is here
quote: DuoDocks are fine if you upgrade a $.99 capacitor (?), except for the part about ALL Apple PSU's being substandard output nonstandardised, stupidly designed expensive custom parts that are prone to failure. 
Yeah, I meant Apple's Duodocks. What's that about upgrading the capacitator?
there's a capacitor that goes on almost every dock psu at one point or another (i think it was a capacitor) google for the howto, it's an easy fix. the symptoms list will be with the howto. jt ™

Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 31 Mar 2002 : 19:39:55
How about their handling of Hypercard in recent years. I wish they would make a new version (or at least sell the code to someone so they could make a new version).
You could use SuperCard, you know... Anyway, newbie programmers (like me!) prefer RealBASIC or TNT-BASIC for their little projects 
~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 68k Macintosh Liberation Army 00014 Macs liberated. |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 31 Mar 2002 : 20:03:13
Anyway, newbie programmers (like me!) prefer RealBASIC or TNT-BASIC for their little projects 
i used future basic back in the day, has anyone else used it? jt ™

Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 31 Mar 2002 : 21:31:35
Future Basic: A Blast From The Past™...  Related: Did anyone notice the Pro-FORTRAN compiler for OS X???  ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 68k Macintosh Liberation Army 00014 Macs liberated. |
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 31 Mar 2002 : 22:08:04
Mad design decescions on 68ks?Macintosh IIvx: 32 MHz 68030 on a 16 MHz bus = a Mac which is easily outpaced by a stock IIci (25 MHz 68030) Quadra/LC/Peforma 630 series: no "real" expansion (nubus, '040 PDS), non-properly implemented IDE (JT mentioned this a while back) - on a related note, why did they need an internal SCSI bus? they could have easily made a nice IDE CD-ROM...-, crappy video: 1mb soldered-on, non-upgradable wasn't even a "real" 1mb - a 475/605 with 1mb could display greater bit depth and higher resolutions!...that it for the 630...i'll probably remember some more later...however, it does get the points for slide-out mobo (after two screws though..) AV capabilities (TV-video system + presentation system) and the fact that it had IDE in the first place Quadra_Centris 650 / Macintosh IIvx_IIvi / Performa 600 case: plastic bezels screwed onto a platinum-painted case was a HORRIBLE idea. First of all, the paint commonly scratches making unsightly grey streaks (I have 3 of these cases all of which are scratched in one way or another). also, when the plastic front bezel yellows (as this plastic commonly does) the rest of the cover (painted metal) stays platinum...bleh!...lets see...what else...oh have to remove PSU and entire drive chassis to get a good shot at the RAM, VRAM, and PRAM battery...and installing a 5.25" device (such as a CDROM) into its 5.25" bay is a pain in the ass mosty because of the SCSI and floppy connectors on the motherboard. everybody who knows about the 650 knows that the floppy connector is DIRECTLY in front of the SCSI connector....needless to say adding a 5.25 device is a bitch.... hmm...that should suffice for now..
*stands back, looks at post* whoa...thats gotta be my longest...
-------------------- keeper of the website and beholder of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ -------------------- |
Junior Member

308 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2002 : 07:19:52
Actually I have a copy of Supercard, but it only seems to support 256 colors using the system color table. I seem to remember hearing somewhere that the reason Apple did not want to release the source code for Hypercard was becuse they did not want to release something for free that would compete with another companys programSomewhere I have a screensaver style program I wrote in Supercard where a Classic Mac and a Pentium tower would beat each other up in a fight to the death. (the Mac won most of the time) I am going to have to find it and upload it to the Hotline server. AnubisTTP 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:15 |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 02 Apr 2002 : 05:44:03
I actually got a copy of SuperCard 3.0 a few weeks ago... $30 AUS - bargain!~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 00014 Macs liberated |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 02 Apr 2002 : 06:03:21
I thought of a consistently sucky thing. jt doesn't go much on the lack of expansion thing - as a lot of you don't, but tis one thing I'm not particularly worried about - probably cos I have enough machines that if one doesn't do the job... six might. :). But anyhows... the original research by apple had a lot of excellent UI 'guidelines', most of which I see as A Good Thing, and some that are a bit more theoretical than practically 'right' just by my views. Anyone who's read Jef Raskin's site will have an idea of them... Through the OS in different releases, and all the lil utils n control panels n the like, Apple themselves keep breaking these. The original OSX dock even had a pixel or two underneath it which wasn't clickable. Thats insane - one of the most fundamental parts of pointing with a mouse, and apple break it. A/UX has a completely different mouse acceleration which is unnatural - thats 'broken'. One of the system 6 versions changes submenu hysterisis(ack! spelling) which gets painful QUICKLY. (that is the timing between moving off a main menu, towards a submenu, that the 'closing' of the submenu is delayed, so you can jump across a larger area of space with the mouse to the submenu, instead of -needing- to go through the one main menu option). Enlightenment has -no- delay like this, and it strained my whole arm attempting to aim perfectly every time. Those little things, the fundamentals, should be written in big markers across every gui coders forehead!. there. todays rant gone :D dana 
Full Member
523 Posts |
Posted - 02 Apr 2002 : 15:11:27
Future Basic: A Blast From The Past™... 
Now I feel embarassed... I have FutureBASIC sitting on my QuickSilver's HD right now. And even better, I haven't used it as much as I've used AppleSoft BASIC. Boy am I retro or what?
Sgt. Tallgeese Thread Lord of Darkness Apple II Squad Leader 68k Mac Liberation Army 68k Macs Liberated: 4 |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 03 Apr 2002 : 06:47:32
[quote] Now I feel embarassed... I have FutureBASIC sitting on my QuickSilver's HD right now. And even better, I haven't used it as much as I've used AppleSoft BASIC. Boy am I retro or what?
If I wanted to put a quote in my sig... THIS WOULD BE IT!  ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 00014 Macs liberated |