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wxPython module for MacPython 2.3.3


Well-known member
After some searching, it seems like there was a wxPython version compiled for MacPython for Mac OS 9, but it was never released officially.

Is there anyone here that might have a copy stored somewhere?

Or does anyone on this forum have the skill to compile it from source and release to the public?

Would make my day and help my Mac OS 9 developing quite a bit :)



Well-known member
I can't seem to find any references that suggest that wxPython was built for Mac OS 9, only Mac OS X.  Seems like one would want to use a faster, compiled language like C/C++ or Pascal for Mac OS 7/8/9 instead of a slower, interpreted language like Python. (Though I do love me some Python!)

In order to use wxWidgets under Mac OS 9, you'd need to compile the toolkit library. Which could be done using an old enough version and a copy of CodeWarrior.

You'd probably find way more documentation, helper libraries, etc, if you went with using the native toolbox and CodeWarrior or THINKPascal. Old introduction books can usually be found cheap on Amazon or other online book stores. (There's always the Apple Developer books too for advance stuff.)

Don't mean to burst your bubble, but it looks like the path you were hoping to go (wxPython for Mac OS 9) never really matured. (No documentation, builds, etc.) Which would only hinder your developing rather than help.  It's always better to go with something that's well documented and still accessible. (You can still find copies of CodeWarrior and THINKPascal to buy or other means.)

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Well-known member
I have some stuff made in Python with wxPython that I would like to try to port to Classic Mac OS, hence the question.

I found this when I searched around, so I felt like there might be a binary floating around somewhere. I might be wrong though.


wxMac is already fully carbonized there's nothing more to do there, I've
once in spring compiled the extensions for Python on classic mac os /
carbon, and basically it was running although there were quite a few
bugs ;) I am not sure how much interest on the classic side remains,
since till then nobody asked for it once we had it running under OSX.
But if there is still interest I'll dig out my notes and attempt a

Stefan Csomor 

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