Want to add a Newton to my collection.


Well-known member
Looking to add a Newton to my collection. What are the must have accessories for using this with a mac, or just in general? Also which model should I even be looking in to? Are there any traps that are just totally not worth it?
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Well-known member
I had an eMate 300. Gave it away after a bit. Power supply is a special thing with some weird voltage spec nobody else really uses.

Problems? Keyboard is off-centre from the body of the unit, so the little dish ----______----- in the middle of the body doesn't align with the keyboard. Slow. Very slow. I was with mcdermnd one time and a Lisa with a 9600 8N1 terminal up was faster at displaying output than that thing was with a terminal emulator. It's not like it won't work, but the speed to me is nearly intolerably slow. Get a MP2000 if you want something with some usability. Even a Palm IIIc is more responsive.

Because of the slowness, don't expect to do anything serious with it. It's a bit adorable, but it fades away after awhile :)


Well-known member
Traps? Perish the thought.

Owning a Newton device means you’re ready to embrace the quirks of the platform, not trying to avoid the traps. :)

A couple of things to note:

Make sure you use an original power adapter. Newton devices are extremely sensitive to voltage variations that may occur with cheaper, third-party adapters.

Newton FAQ: Which power adapters can I use?

If you end up going with a MessagePad 2000, 2100, or eMate. You’ll need to install the Year 2010 (Y2010) patch to maintain the correct date.

Newton FAQ: Why does the date always reset on my Newton?


The Y2K patch works on mp120v2 and mp130 as well... but there was some caveat I ran into before. Can't remember what it was anymore.


Well-known member
Newtons are awesome. I still use mine nearly daily.
@splorp above runs the still-running-after-25(?)-years Newtontalk mailing list...the newton faq should help get you up and running.


Well-known member
The soft plastic coating can break down with age and become sticky and unpleasant to the touch. I don’t know if it’s fixable, especially long term. (It happened with my MessagePad 2000, ended up selling it because of that)


Well-known member
I don't remember the diameter of the barrel connector but it was either 2.1mm or 2.5mm. I don't see the specs for the power supply on Wikipedia which is odd because it should be but here goes:

Voltage spec: 7.5V DC
Polarity: Center Terminal Positive
Barrel outer diameter:
Pin diameter:

Pretty sure you can spec something like that from Mouser or Jameco or Digikey. Polarity I'm not so sure about though, but that can be fixed.


Well-known member
I don't remember the diameter of the barrel connector but it was either 2.1mm or 2.5mm. I don't see the specs for the power supply on Wikipedia which is odd because it should be but here goes:

Voltage spec: 7.5V DC
Polarity: Center Terminal Positive
Barrel outer diameter:
Pin diameter:

Pretty sure you can spec something like that from Mouser or Jameco or Digikey. Polarity I'm not so sure about though, but that can be fixed.
I did that when I owned a MessagePad and my original power supply wasn’t working properly: the modern replacement PSU didn’t work! The MessagePad seems to be very picky about the exact input voltage: it gave me an error message (don’t remember exactly what it was) and straight up refuse to charge with the modern PSU! (in the end I was able to fix the original power supply)


Well-known member
If anybody's got an original charger and can measure up the barrel diameter and pin diameter, we'd have a complete spec. I'm actually curious if Jameco/the usual places have a suitable charger. Mouser does carry a 7.5V 10W wall wart but I don't know what the barrel/pin diameter spec is on a Newton.


Well-known member
The MP130 is quite a nice unit, and only get the MP2000/2100 if it has the interconnect serial dongle. You can often pick a Newton up cheaply from the "Electronics" subsection on eBay where PDAs are listed.


Well-known member
The soft plastic coating can break down with age and become sticky and unpleasant to the touch. I don’t know if it’s fixable, especially long term. (It happened with my MessagePad 2000, ended up selling it because of that)
that is sadly the fate of every one of those rubberized coatings that were so popular on electronics.