Se30 recap, booting to Mac screen now sad Mac code and image issue


New member
Hey all,

i’ve been working on an se30 that just booted but had cap damage on logic board.

this is what I did so far:
-Recapped logic board and analog board
-Tested psu voltages
-cleaned logic board with vineger and iso and then dried

Anyway after some false starts the machine chimed and booted and displayed Mac questionmark, no doubt that old scsi is shot but spins
anyway I left it on, adjusted screen width and now I get this sad Mac code and odd display. I cant find a reference to this

seems to be 0000 00013/0000 000F


Any help appreciated. I’ve tried disconnecting scsi drive and swapping the ram.
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New member
some further notes, seems that the sad mac codes only display when i hit the reset button otherwise the screen is garbled with the disk icon which i expect as scsi needs work. I’m wondering if video rom is bad, i‘m looking for an image for this so i can burn it, otherwise im wondering if the mac classic i have has one which is interchangeable. The problem might well be elsewhere but its odd machine worked fine then failed a few mins later.


New member
I get boot chime but then screen shows 4x dupliacte and checkerboardIMG_0493.jpeg
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