My SE/30 have given up its geist (hopefully it can be sorted) recently. It has been running for 3+ years, since it had a full mainboard recap. ~4 month ago, it stopped booting, telling me it had a bus error (from what i could find out, it was at the part in the boot-sequence when it tried to look for the HDD, but i can well be wrong of course). So i ordered a couple of scsi-chips from Mouser (same specs as the original) and had a guy with much more solder experience (and the equipment) replace it. After "beeping" it, all was supposed to be good.
Now, when i boot it, i no longer get a bus-error. It makes a few noises from the floppy unit, then continues for a few seconds until it shows a crossed-out floppy icon on the screen. I have tried to disconnect the HDD and boot, the FDD and boot, both FDD and HDD and boot from a (working) external scsi-unit (scsi2sd v5.0a) but every time i get the crossed out floppy symbol.
As far as i can see there is nothing obvious on the mainboard. The battery was replaced before it would start spitting out acid (to a SAFT dito)
Any advice?
Now, when i boot it, i no longer get a bus-error. It makes a few noises from the floppy unit, then continues for a few seconds until it shows a crossed-out floppy icon on the screen. I have tried to disconnect the HDD and boot, the FDD and boot, both FDD and HDD and boot from a (working) external scsi-unit (scsi2sd v5.0a) but every time i get the crossed out floppy symbol.
As far as i can see there is nothing obvious on the mainboard. The battery was replaced before it would start spitting out acid (to a SAFT dito)
Any advice?