SE/30 with cross inside floppy icon (not booting)


My SE/30 have given up its geist (hopefully it can be sorted) recently. It has been running for 3+ years, since it had a full mainboard recap. ~4 month ago, it stopped booting, telling me it had a bus error (from what i could find out, it was at the part in the boot-sequence when it tried to look for the HDD, but i can well be wrong of course). So i ordered a couple of scsi-chips from Mouser (same specs as the original) and had a guy with much more solder experience (and the equipment) replace it. After "beeping" it, all was supposed to be good.

Now, when i boot it, i no longer get a bus-error. It makes a few noises from the floppy unit, then continues for a few seconds until it shows a crossed-out floppy icon on the screen. I have tried to disconnect the HDD and boot, the FDD and boot, both FDD and HDD and boot from a (working) external scsi-unit (scsi2sd v5.0a) but every time i get the crossed out floppy symbol.

As far as i can see there is nothing obvious on the mainboard. The battery was replaced before it would start spitting out acid (to a SAFT dito)

Any advice?


No one here ever had issues where the screen showed an icon with a crossed out icon inside it?


Well-known member
Crossed out floppy means that it's trying to eject a disc which isn't a system disc. If it's showing that without a floppy drive even connected, I might consider looking at the SWIM, but that's a slight guess - but if it's showing the cross it thinks there's a disc in that's not bootable, and it's getting stuck trying to eject it.


Thx cheesestraws.
Your guess here is very likely 10 times more relevant than mine imho :) I'm quite the rookie when it comes to this.
But yeah, even with the floppy disconnected it will give that cross (and it wont boot from either internal HDD or without internal connected but with external connected).

The guy that helped me replace the scsi-chip (as it gave the bus-error before, but don't do now) mentioned that some capacitors perhaps did not sit snugly on the system-board. In such a case where any of the capacitors do not have contact properly, could that potentially give such effects?


Well-known member
Likely a corrupted disk or system folder. Boot your Mac from a Disk Tools floppy and run Disk First Aid. If this doesn‘t help, re-install your system software.


I connected it with a bluescsi external unit yesterday, with a system 7.5.3 bootable image as scsi id 1 (and a few other images on different ids for different devices). This time i did not get the crossed floppy icon any more, but it just stayed on the gray screen with the mouse-pointer (which i could move around btw).

When examining the log.txt file (bluescsi) i can see that it finds and opens the system 7.5.3 image ("Image ready"). The other (non-mac) image on there it says "WARNING: This image does not appear to be a valid Macintosh Device Image....." so it feels like the scsi-portion of this somehow does detect the drive now, but that there might be something else causing it to come to a halt.

I have the original rom in the machine atm with just 4mb of ram. Idk if i should also try it with the BMOW rom as well (i swapped in the original rom earlier because the BMOW did not give as much detail about the previous bus-issue as the original does)


Well-known member
Have you unplugged the Floppy drive? Worth a try with BMOW rom. Caps, clean board, remove RAM and clean RAM sockets. iI no go SWIM as cheesestraws suggests