Pro Tools 2.51 and Pro Tools 3 Images


Active member
Hello all,

I've just uploaded Pro Tools 2.51 in a greaseweasel / scp format with 2 authorisations to the garden. I have various others including updates and version 3.1 with Auth as well as a fresh 4.3 auth and a plugin too.

Obviously those with early pro tools systems and missing disks or dead auths will be interested.

I'm lacking a TDM auth if anyone happens to have a disk. I'd love to take a copy and return it to them.

I also have various documentation from the early systems now too so will scan and upload that in due course.

DM me if you have better ways of doing these. I'm aware there's an authorisation reset available for these early disks but I can't find it anywhere and there are a few leads which seem to indicate the process was a bit hit and miss.

Happy recording!


Active member

If you can find a 4.0.1 disc, let me know. I have the auth disks for that version. There was a copy on Ebay last summer, but I didn't purchase it because I didn't think that I had the disks. There is a copy labelled "ProTools 4.0 cd" on the Macintosh Repository, but I'm pretty sure that is the PowerPC version. I'd really like to check out the 68k version and see how it runs on an AV Quadra!

I've got some disks that you might be interested in. I'll post a list tomorrow. I'm willing to send them to you if you can make images. I also have a hard drive with a bunch of Nubus-era plugins that I haven't had the opportunity to look at yet. If you could successfully do an offline bounce of the HD in Blue SCSI, Greaseweasel or whatever method - I'd be interested in sending it to you.


Active member
Heya, apologies, life got in the way a little between posting this and returning to it.

I do have a 4.0.1 install CD actually.. Mine's a rev A disc although I don't think I've actually tried it in anything yet. Still working on PT3 hardware although I do have a lot more of that now..

I'm keen to get as many of these archived as possible.. We're fast approaching a situation where these systems will no longer work as these disappear.

Happy to post back after I take an image. All i'm doing is using a greaseweazle and its raw flux output to clone a disk. I've found if you use an authorization you can return it to the disk by re-writing the floppy too which is useful when you have a quantum under the lid(!)

Also very interested in that era's plugs. I have a bunch from that CD that was kicking around on the archive but always after more.

DM me if you want and we can figure something out.