I have two PowerBook modems for my 180c; however, I cannot find any software for them. One is a "Supra Fax Modem 144PB," and the other is a PowerPort Gold Model A502".
Right, I’ll try to demystify things a bit.
I picked up a PowerPort Gold A502 modem:
It’s stacked, like this. I find it amusingly similar to the internals of the PowerBooks it goes into. Guess they couldn’t fit everything onto one board.
The build quality feels premium and it’s interesting to read a former employee’s memories of working at Global Village
here, in which he mentions the modem. 14.4kbps was the absolute cutting edge in 1993 and GV was one of the first to bring them to market. Also interesting that Global Village was competing against (and were hated by) Apple France, developers of the Express Modem.
The correct software is
here. The first download, the 2.08 software, works for me under System 7.5.3. Remember to set the modem port to use the internal modem in the PowerBook Setup control panel - this is vital and easily overlooked.
I’ve seen photos of the later PowerPort Mercury and Platinum versions of the modems for the 100 series. The latter is a 28.8k modem, so that’s probably the fastest you could get internally.
As for the Supra modem, I am not sure if the software is up on the ‘Garden (I haven’t checked). However, the script for this modem is included with Apple Remote Access, so you might be able to use it anyway. The manufacturer’s software is mainly to do with fax.