My worst lifted-and-torn-pad repair, I ended up buying some two-part conductive epoxy (MG Chemicals 8331, not cheap), cutting pieces of copper tape the size of the pads that needed replacing, and using kapton tape to both help to position the replacement pads and hold them down while the epoxy cured. Also resecured the merely-lifted pads using conductive epoxy and kapton. After that, the lifted pads still had continuity, but the torn pads didn't (but were secure enough to hold the replacement capacitors), so at that point it was time to break out the magnet wire (I'm currently using 32 AWG, but will likely move to something finer at some point) to bridge connections.
I learned a lot doing that repair, including to use a board heater to bring the board temperature up before trying to desolder things, so that I have reduced "dwell time" with my iron (also run on the hot side, for the same reason) while removing parts (reduces stress on the adhesive holding the copper layer to the substrate).