Help Needed Troubleshooting SE/30 Simasimac


Active member
Hello all, I've had an SE/30 that I've shuffled in and out of working on over the past year or so, along with my many other dead Macs. I managed to fix a video problem it had after recapping it, and it would boot, but only if nothing was on ADB. Thus, I tried swapping the ADB controller chip with a known working one from a Mac classic. Same markings, same footprint, so surely it should work, I thought. Nope! It caused the previously booting SE/30 to enter a state of permanent simasimac, even after restoring the original ADB chip. Have I fried something, or could it just be coincidence? I wouldn't think that it would completely break without the ADB controller, but with how fickle these machines are I wouldn't be surprised. There is no chime, no response to anything on the board other than the reset button. This thread is my last ditch effort before I bite the bullet and buy a new board for it, but I'm still holding out hope that maybe it's something obvious that I'm missing. Any help is greatly appreciated!


Active member
No bridges, all pins seem to be connected and I'm sure it's oriented correctly, I took a picture before doing this, and it matches. Markings on the chip are properly oriented if looking at the board with the ports facing away from you. And still, would a dead chip prevent any activity elsewhere?