Mouse for Lisa 2


Well-known member
They are obviously hard to find!

Can they be constructed from another mouse? Anything adb like or some such?

Have an eye on a Lisa 2, but mouse is missing, trying to figure out how problematic this would be!


Well-known member
Lisa 2 mice are the same as Mac 128/512/Plus mice. Lisa 1 mice are the rare ones, but they're electrically compatible.

So any mouse or trackball that's compatible with a Plus should be OK. I use a Kensington Turbo Mouse for Mac Plus on mine.


Well-known member
Ah ok, good to know (and a relief).
Luckily the keyboard is there, seen some prices of those, beyond scary!


Well-known member
Yeah, but even then there are options if you don't mind not being strictly period. So don't panic if the keyboard turns out not to work: there are adapters for other keyboards! :)


Well-known member
The keybaords are the foam kind also. so you can fix them pretty easy. make new foam. or buy foam for keyboards from ebay.

So even if some of the keys on the keybaord don't work. Do NOT worry. just 40+ year old foam that needs to be replaced.


Well-known member
Unforunately won't be needed, got outbidded by one of them Ebay sellers who buys vintage Macs and flips them on ebay for between double to quadruple the price. Or try to at least.
All the while hanging up a fancy story to the sellers that they are acquiring those machines collectig/trying to get a small museum going, because sellers often are more inclined to sell to a museum then to a private person...
The bloke actually once bought an SE of me (for very cheap) with that very story, and by accident I saw it pop up on ebay for a whopping 600% of my selling price :mad:

And Lisa's only pop up for sale very occasionally in mainland Europe!


The keybaords are the foam kind also. so you can fix them pretty easy. make new foam. or buy foam for keyboards from ebay.

So even if some of the keys on the keybaord don't work. Do NOT worry. just 40+ year old foam that needs to be replaced.
Yes, I've restored three Lisa keyboards by cleaning and replacing the foam pads. A little tedious but very effective. I've used pad from for all three. Highly recommended.


Well-known member
Just FYI, that looks like a Platinum mouse, so I'm not sure it would match the Lisa's aged beige too well. It's nevertheless quite neat that it's NOS, though.



Well-known member
Just FYI, that looks like a Platinum mouse, so I'm not sure it would match the Lisa's aged beige too well. It's nevertheless quite neat that it's NOS, though.

Yeah, I know;

First get it to work, then we'll worry about the esthaetics ;)
You don' see them on sale too often (unless you gotta buy a whole compact mac with them), so I jumped on this one, timing was just perfect!

Maybe later I can cajole somebody to exchange my NOS mouse with a properly aged and color correct one :p